chapter twenty two- fading hope

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(Levi's p.o.v)

It was cruel to even go through with it. How could I break the only thing I've ever cared about? Over the last few days, there was a drastic change in Eren's character... He didn't leave my side, following me everywhere. He didn't even go to the bathroom without my permission. Why was I feeling so... Guilty?
"Eren..." I sighed, pulling him to the wall as I attempted to collect my thoughts. "Eren..." I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt and that I wanted him to be happy but... I was selfish. Keeping my mouth shut, I grew used to his presence. Eren. My sweet darling Eren. "Eren." He didn't speak. He didn't move. He barely acknowledged the fact that his name was called. "Speak to me Eren." He didn't. Eren remained quiet for the remainder of the day. "Do you love me?" Eren didn't answer once again, however, he shook nervously as he nodded his head hesitantly.
"Levi, we need to talk." Hanji had been observing the situation for sometime, "I think this is wrong. Now let me take him to be examined and I'll see what I can do for you."
"You think you can fix him?" My hopes had been lifted and Hanji the angel  promising to perform a miracle. If Hanji fixed Eren back to the cheerful cadet I'd fallen in love with and I could finally be truly happy with him once again.
"No. It's what I can do for you Levi, you're not acting rationally and I'm really worried about you. You're my friend and I hate seeing you like this." She was only trying to comfort me but she wasn't going to get through, she was simply saying that she was going to take away my ray of joy and leave me alone. Just like when I lived in the underground.
"No. No! You can't have him! He's not okay if he isn't with me! Who the fuck do you think you are?! Trying to ruin my one chance to be happy again!"

(Eren's p.o.v)

It was so painful to live. I didn't like this empty feeling deep with in me. Where was that happiness, determination and anger I had felt before? Had it melted away due to the uncontrollable fear I felt for this man? He promised me love but dragged me down to this useless pile of shit, waiting for death asif it offered some sort of escape from this world. I didn't want to speak, fearing that he could hear the pain in my voice and abuse me again.
"Eren." He whispered to me, down on his knees with his head on my lap. "Hanji wants to take you away. Do you want to leave me?" He looked up at me. I couldn't express that that's what I always wanted: to be free of you and your needy character. Shaking my head, his face lit up with joy. "I knew it. We should be together." No. We shouldn't. You were making my life a living hell. Giving me one last kiss, placed on my slightly braised knee, Captain prepared to leave before turning back with a hopefully broken gaze. "I don't intend on ever giving you up..." that's too bad, I really wish you would. You'd be better off without me... We both would...

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