extra chapter- celebration struggle and mistletoe jealousy

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I don't know if the AOT/SNK universe has christmas but we do, so I wanted to make one with some jealously and cute kissing and maybe... just maybe... some smut. So enjoy and have a Merry Christmas! Or something else if this isn't your religion... sorry.

(Eren's p.o.v)

Captain had specific order that I was to bring tea to him morning, noon and evening. He and I were currently on bad terms due to a little lovers spat we had just a few days prior, creating a tense and annoyed aura around me.
"Armin, will you take this to the captain?" I pleaded with my innocent loyal little friend, begging desperately.
"Why can't you take it?"
"Just tell him I couldn't come because I have business with the commander." Then I left him there with a confused look.

"Hanji, please tell me what I should do! There's gotta be something right? I can't go into the city and get something plus it's two celebrations in one! I can't do both; I can't do none of them either! What do I do?" Frantically unloading all of my problems on her, It felt as if a weight had been lifted.
"Well, I say that you do it." Her vague answer only confused me more.
"What?" My mouth hung open in confusion, "Do 'it'? What is 'it'?"
"Well, both I mean... celebrate his birthday and Christmas," She began to laugh happily, "I know everything he likes: tea, killing titans, cleanliness, you, his horse, baths, short pe-"
"Me?" Blushing, I attempted to cover my face.
"Ah too cute!" Hanji hugged me lovingly but enough to suffocate a small animal- scratch that, a medium sized animal.

I had decided to go search for the captain to apologise. The main hall was filled with noise, bustling with cadets of all ages as they got excited for Christmas. Captain was no where to be seen.
"Eren!" Reiner, Bertholt and Connie waved me over.
"Look at all these people." Reiner hummed.
"Yeah and there's this wierd plant thing going around, " Connie pointed to a young girl, seemingly about my age, running happily towards someone with a small plant in her hand. She approached her target and held it above their heads. It was captain Levi.
"C-captain, I have mistletoe... k-kiss me please." I didn't want to see him kissing another girl- especially one that could easily replace me at his side. He leaned in and pecked her lips before pulling away, staring quietly at her as she glistened with joy. Connie, a boy of little intellect, snatched the mistletoe away for them and ran back to us, holding it above Bertholts and my own head.
"You two have to kiss now!" if captain could do it then so could I, it was just Bertholt... I leaned towards the giant as much as I could and puckered up my lips; Bertholt bent down and allowed his lips to clash with mine. A kiss, that I had only intended to be a peck, resulted in the giant forcing his tongue down my throat. Captain had to be watching...

(Levi's p.o.v)

I felt somewhat guilty about what had perspired only hours ago. Although Eren wanted to be with me for my birthday, I preferred to be alone and drink myself into oblivion. There was no way I was going to let him see me in such a weak state. A knock emitted through the room, most likely Eren with the tea, before a blonde mop of hair revealed itself. 
"Here Captain," Armin placed he tray carefully infront of me on my desk, "Eren said that he had work to do with Commander Erwin and wasn't able to bring you it." That eyebrow bastard. If he even dared lay a finger on Eren again, I would rip him up limb by limb. Storming out of the comfort of my warm office, I instantly started heading in the direction of his quarters.
"Oh Levi," he calmly grinned at me, "Why are you frowning? It's not festive at all!" I glared up at his big browed mug, attempting to blow his head up with my mind.
"Where's Eren?" I hissed. He was no where to be seen; I felt my stomach begin to turn.
"Eren?" He smirked into his hand and peered over at me, "I haven't seen Eren since yesterday morning... has you little toy been lying to you?" He let out a forced gasp, "You know what that means..." No. Not possible. Eren only had eyes for me.

I had attempted to search everywhere for Eren but to no avail. Somehow, without realising it, I found myself being sandwiched between bug breasted girls and over excited boys in he main hall. As I had given up and started to leave, a young blonde headed beauty ran up to me with a bashful grin, raising her hand above us. Mistletoe.
"C-captain..." She stuttered nervously, kind of like when Eren and I first began. "I have mistletoe... k-kiss me please..." Because of how much she reminded me of Eren, I felt somewhat obliged to kiss her leaning down to kiss her quickly and gently. Then some shaved headed brat snatched it from her, ran off in a random direction and held it above two people: Eren and some tall kid, probably taller that Erwin.
"You two have to kiss now!" The shaved brat laughed hysterically but what happened next infuriated me: they kissed passionately. Erwin was right. Filled with anger, I was fueled purely by my emotions as I plowed towards them and dragged Eren away from it all.

I tied him up. There was no way he was going back to that tall piece of shit without confronting me first. 
"How long?" I growled. 
"W-What?" He seemed genuinely confused, struggling to free himself from he ropes. "What do you mean captain?"
"You know what I mean... but how could you do this to me?"
"No, I haven't done anything!" He was denying it all but I could see past the lies, especially when the truth was staring me in the face. Forcing his legs open, I pierced the skin with my nails before blood ran down his tanned thigh.
"Lies!" I growled deeply. I thrusted my hips quickly, shoving my dick all the way in. If it was gonna be this way then I don't want it to end like this. I completely ignored Eren's cries of pain and continued to thrust my hips.
"No! I'm... not... ly... ing..." he grunted between gasps, sobbing quietly into his arm. However, after a while of allowing my thoughts to roll around in my head, I realised what I was doing and the pain came crushing down on me. Holding back tears, I stopped what I was doing to bury my face in his chest.
"You said you'd be mine... why did you have to betray me after everything I've done for you!"
"Betray... you?" Eren pouted cutely, "You're the one kissing cute girls..."
"You saw that?" He nodded a little.
"You know what," he yelled, "I don't care anymore. All I want is for you to untie me so I can hug you!" Once his arms were free, he wrapped them tightly around my neck, brought his soft lips to ear and whispered, "Merry Christmas and happy birthday captain, I love you..."

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