chapter fifteen- noble acts of noble blood part 1

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(Eren's p.o.v)

We had prepared for the long journey, that we only have horses for, in anticipation of the festivities to come.
"I finally get to stay in a nice bed," I giggled to Hanji joyfully at the thought of the softened mattresses of the rich, "It's not gonna be that bad... I hope..." Mikasa, Jean, Armin and the rest were not allow to attend along with us.
"Okay Eren," Levi pulled me aside, "When we are there, I want you to: always stay by my side; don't talk to anyone unless I allow it; and definitely. Don't. Trust. Anyone. Do you understand?" Nodding quickly, he guided me to a white horse, his horse, and patted my back. "I trust you..."
Once we had arrived to the hidden mansion, our hosts greeted us at the door. There was an elderly gentleman who appeared to be a close friend of Erwin's and a younger teenage male with longish silver hair and thick red lips.
"Erwin! How amazing it is to see you once again!" The two older men hugged, "And this must be Eren!" He presented his hand, waiting for a hand shake.
"The pleasure is all mine sir," I firmly shook his hand only to receive an angered glare from Levi.
"The titan boy?" The younger male approached me, "But he's simply adorable! How could he possibly be any danger?!" Then, in the blink of an eye, they were glaring dangerously at one another, Levi and the noble boy. "I'm Alexander Dedrick, I'm guessing that is your captain... Levi?"
"Yes," I pulled Levi to me angrily, "He's extremely grateful to be here just like I am, right Levi?" He only huffed as he turned on his heal and stormed into the building.
"I guess I will show you your rooms, Eren will be sharing with Levi because he is in charge of him." The older gentleman showed us every room except for the strange red double door at the end of the hall on the second floor, leaving me to relax with Levi before the party was to begin...

(Levi's p.o.v.)

Now we were alone together in our guest room where we could touch each other away from prying eyes.
"What do you think was in that room?" He wondered suddenly, causing myself to ponder the question.
"I don't know... maybe it's a play room..." I joked playfully while removing my shirt, "Maybe he plans to take you in there for a good whipping as you moan lustfully at every crack." Turning to him, I was greeted by his blushing face and hand covering his mouth that had heavy gasps leaving every few seconds.
"Don't even joke about that!" He leapt into the soft covers of the luxurious bed and snuggled into it to hide. I couldn't believe how hard this brat had made me...
"Shit..." I sighed, climbing on top of Eren with a seductive smile. He wrapped his nimble legs around my waist and revealed a playful but lustful gaze.
"Fuck me already Captain..." he licked my lips oddly, pulling off his shirt.
"As long as you're offering."

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