The Chief of Wisdom

Start from the beginning

Hook chuckled lightly and then turned serious. "Why we want you, m'dear."

Several of the pirates advanced towards Wendy, backing her into the fireplace.

"You see Miss Darling, I need to conduct...well a little experiment, if you will. And you are one of the crucial pieces. I simply must ask you to please come with us."

In a flash Wendy whirled around and grabbed the sword, holding it out in front of her. "I'm sorry but I must decline the invitation." She said.

Hook's eyes narrowed. "I asked you politely once, and today I am not a patient man, so I will not ask you again." Addressing his men, "Take her."

The pirates lunged towards the girl. Wendy sword at the ready, sliced through the air and into Noodler's arm. He cried out in pain.

"You're going to pay for that girlie." He growled trying to staunch the blood that was dripping to the floor.

Wendy held her sword up ready for the next attack. "Don't call me girlie."

The pirates moved a bit more cautiously seeing that she knew how to wield a sword. But Wendy was no match for five pirates at once. She was able to get a few more blows in, before she was roughly disarmed, bound, and gaged.

Hook watched the fight with mild amusement. He was impressed at the resiliency and determination of the girl. And her bravery in taking on the five pirates. It really was too bad that his promise of a life of piracy was hollow. She would have made an excellent pirate given time.

Hook walked up to the girl and grabbed her chin. There was fire burning behind her startling blue eyes. Wendy jerked her chin away from Hook's grasp and glared at the pirate. Hook raised his hand, Wendy flinched waiting for the blow to come. But it never did. Hook instead gently untied the bow from Wendy's hair. Fingering the ribbon Hook took out his dagger and pinned the ribbon to Peter's throne.

Hook smiled, turned and started to walk down the steps. "Bring her. Oh, and men...send a message to our dear Pan."


Peter was distracted during the treasure hunt. He wasn't able to concentrate on anything except Wendy. Peter pushed a hand into his stomach. It had been in knots all night, worried sick about her.

Tinkerbell noticed Peter acting strange and knew exactly what he was thinking of. Frustrated she buzzed in his face.

Will you stop thinking about her?

Peter swatted Tink away. "Would you quit it?"

Tink placed her hands on her hips. You know you were the one who asked me to help. 

"Yeah and you know what? It hasn't helped at all. Since then all I can do is think of her. All I want to do is talk to her and she makes it impossible! And then ..." Peter's face turned red. He had thought about thimbles, but he didn't want Tink to know that. Peter's emotions were clouding his vision. He needed help. But not from Tink.

"I'm going to go visit the Chief, why don't you go and help the lost boys? I'll be alright on my own for a little while."

Tink disagreed but flew off to help the boys anyway. Peter turned towards the Indian Village and took off. He touched down just outside the Chief's tent. Before he could announce himself, a deep voice spoke from within the teepee.

"Come in, Chief Flying Eagle, I've been expecting you."

Peter tilted his head quizzically and entered into the teepee. "How did you know..."

"The winds bespoke change, and I knew you would come to seek council. Sit, and let us council together." The Chief said as motioned for Peter to sit down.

Peter sat and started fidgeting with the bearskin rug. He couldn't look Chief in the eye when he spoke. "What is Love?"

The Chief's eyes widened and he almost let out a chuckle. Whatever he had thought Flying Eagle would need council with, it was not that!

"Why do you ask?"

Peter stood up and started pacing. "I can't do it anymore I just can't!"

Amused the Chief leaned back. "Why don't we start from the beginning?"

Peter looked pointedly at the Chief, then blew out a long breath. He started talking about Wendy and how she had mentioned feelings, and Love. He told him of their fights. He turned red when he told him of the times he was so close to Wendy. Peter told the Chief of his nightmare and holding Wendy that night. Then he told him of his resolution not to show any feeling towards Wendy at all. Because if he did that would mean Hook would find out, and he didn't want his nightmare to come true. He was scared of Wendy and her 'feelings' and Hooks taunts about love, and Peter Pan was never scared and that thought made him more scared. Then he told the Chief how he found her crying last night.

"I'm miserable, she's miserable and I don't know what to do!" Peter said throwing his hands in the air.

The Chief took all of this in stride, nodding at the appropriate times all the while listening to what the real problem was. He stood and clapped the boy on the shoulders.

"What you are saying is that you are concerned that if you show feelings. That if you show Love, you will grow up?"

Peter looked at the Chief shocked and confused. "Wha..."

The Chief chuckled. "I was listening to the real problem my friend. The first thing you need to know is that Love is a powerful and strange feeling. Even after all my years I don't fully comprehend it. Love means to care deeply for something, to value it above all else. Tell me, do you 'love' to fly? Do you 'love' to fight pirates and go on exciting adventures?"

Peter nodded his head.

"Has 'loving' these things made you grow up?"

Peter started to shake his head, and then stopped. "What are you getting at?"

"Just because you love something, does not mean you have to grow up. Children feel love for many things. They feel the love in the purest form, true love."

"I don't understand..."

The Chief laughed, a booming boisterous sound. "You will, my friend. It may just take a little time. But for now, I think you've realized that your plan has not worked out so well. Why don't you go and apologize to Little Sparrow, then things will start to make sense."

Peter looked affronted. "Apologize! But I haven't done anything wrong!"

The Chief looked off into the distance. "You'd be surprised."

Peter scrunched up his face. The Chief was making no sense today.

"Talk to her. Tell her what is going on inside that head of yours." The Chief thunked a finger on Peter's head. Then he showed him out of his tent. Peter was left standing in the setting sun, more confused than he was when he came. Sighing he started to fly home. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to do what the Chief had suggested, as long as it would make Wendy happy again.

Peter pondered on what the Chief said as he rounded up the boys and took them home. It would be a relief to finally be able to talk to Wendy. Maybe...maybe he if he told her what he was thinking, ...maybe he could give her a thimble....and maybe... Peter's goofy grin was instantly turned to a gasp when the boys reached the hideout.

The Hideout was trashed. The table was overturned, chairs were broken, pots and pans, weapons and Wendy's sewing things were strewn all over the floor.

"Wendy!" Peter called out frantically. "Wendy where are you?"

The lost boys started to call out for their Mother. Peter looked in her room, nothing. A spec of blue caught his eye. There stabbed into the back of his throne, with a dagger, was Wendy's ribbon.

Peter slowly walked over to it. His nightmare swirling around in his head. Hands shaking he pried the dagger out of the wood. His stomach clenched. He recognized the dagger. 

Hook. Hook had his Wendy.

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