Chapter 9: Flying

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"But then Peter, how do you get to Neverland?"

"You fly, of course."

"Fly?" Wendy looked up at the boy stunned. He had said it as if it wasn't the most impossible idea ever.

Peter caught Wendy's shocked expression and laughed, "Sure! Flying is easy!" To prove his point, Peter jumped off of the bed and made a few laps around the nursery. Adding in the occasional flip or twist, to show just how good he really was.

Wendy stood up from the bed trying to follow Peter's maneuvers. "Easy for you perhaps," She argued slightly dazed as she watched him do a somersault. "And maybe you didn't know this Peter, but, I don't know how to fly." She quipped.

Peter spun around to land on top of her bed completely ignoring the mocking tone. "Then I'll teach you." He grinned.

Wendy tilted her head, "Would you really Peter? Would you really teach me how to fly?"

Her outward expression was weary; she was testing him to see if he meant what he said. She hoped beyond hope he did.

He was about to share something that was very important to him with this wonderfully peculiar girl. That thought created an interesting sensation inside him. It was new, but felt almost natural. It resembled the warmth of a sunbeam mixed with the thrill of a pirate fight and a dash of pixie dust. Peter peered into Wendy's sea blue eyes.

"Of course I will teach you to fly." He promised sincerely. "But first, I need to know one thing."

"What's that?" Wendy whispered.

Peter's face went somber; there was a glint of mischief in his eyes. He held his hand out to Wendy.

"Do you trust me?"

Wendy looked hesitantly from the outstretched hand to the boy who was offering it. She really didn't know this boy. Well she knew him from her stories but that was completely different, she had imagined those. If Wendy was a logical, proper, young lady she would have said no and tossed him outside.

But Wendy was a dreamer, a wish maker, and here was the magical boy from her stories offering to teacher her to fly. But did she trust him? Wendy searched Peter's emerald eyes looking for something to dissuade her; she found nothing. Wendy Darling trusted Peter Pan.

"I do."

Wendy slipped her hand into Peter's outstretched one. Their hands tingling with the contact. Peter's cocky grin could have outshone the sun.

"Of course you do!" he said pulling her up onto the bed. "I'm Peter Pan, what's not to trust?"

Wendy merely arched her eyebrow and smirked. Peter laughed and reached down for her other hand.

"Well it's a good thing you trust me Wendy-Lady," He smiled coyly and pulled her in close. "Because Faith and Trust are the first two parts in learning how to fly. Now I want you to close your eyes until I tell you to open them."

Wendy obeyed.

"And no cheating!"

"I won't peak Peter, I promise." She huffed.

Once Peter was sure her eyes were completely closed and she wasn't cheating, he began to lift them off the bed and up towards the ceiling.

Wendy gasped. There wasn't solid ground beneath her feet anymore! A bit frightened, she began to tremble and clutched Peter's hands tighter.

Peter rolled his eyes and blew a breath. If she trusted him why was she so scared? Silly girl didn't he say he wouldn't let her fall? He had to find a way to get her to calm down. It would make it very difficult to teach her if she broke his hands in the process.

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