The Clever Kiss

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Tiger Lilly looked down at the mysterious girl. Several emotions swam around in her head, confusion, jealousy, frustration. Why should she help this girl? She didn't know her. She wasn't her friend. She certainly didn't care for the way Peter had looked at her. But the way that Peter had said 'please' tugged on her heartstrings. She would do anything for Peter, even if he hadn't said please.

Tiger Lilly sighed it was time to get to work. She placed a pot of water on some warm coals and waited for it to heat up. Walking to the other side of the teepee, she grabbed an herbal mixture used for pain. She poured a little of the powder into a bowl and added just enough water to make a thick paste. Tiger Lilly walked over to the cot, bowl in hand, and assessed her patient.

The girl's face was pale, and she was breathing, but only just. A thin sheen of sweat had covered her forehead. Tiger Lilly placed the back of her hand on the girl's head. She was burning up! No wonder, she had lost a lot of blood. The stain on her dress indicated as much. Tiger Lilly shook her head, she honestly didn't know if she could save the girl. The arrow to her thigh would be much easier to fix than one to the heart. But the fever was a whole different story.

As gently as she could, Tiger Lilly snapped off the arrow in the girl's thigh. The girl whimpered slightly. Grabbing a rag and the warm water, Tiger Lilly began to clean the wound. Once clean, she applied the numbing paste. She would need the site to be numb before she could extract the rest of the arrow.

Moving up the cot, Tiger Lilly went to work on the arrow that had hit the girl's heart. This arrow was already snapped off, but curiously there was no blood. Tiger Lilly reached down to where the rest of the arrow was. Gently she pulled but was surprised when it came easily. Tiger Lilly looked down at the girl's chest. There was a nasty bruise forming but no sign of a puncture mark. Tiger Lilly pulled on the arrow once more, it was attached to something! The head of the arrow had imbedded itself into an acorn.

"Well that is a stroke of luck; you've probably saved the poor girl's life." Tiger Lilly muttered to the acorn. It was a curious thing to be hanging around the girl's next but it had indeed saved her life. An arrow to the heart is more often than not, fatal. This girl would merely walk, well limp away with just a nasty bruise.

Putting the acorn aside, she moved back down to the girl's leg. This was going to be the tricky part, and the most painful. Hopefully the herbs had done their job and dulled the nerves around the wound. Heating up her knife, Tiger Lilly moved to dig the rest of the arrow out of the girl's thigh. The girl was still unconscious, but she whimpered as Tiger Lilly retrieved the rest of the broken arrow.

Making sure there were no stray slivers in the wound, Tiger Lilly was pleased with her work and started to bandage the girl's leg. She applied more of the numbing paste for the pain that was sure to come. Next she brewed a strong tea that would numb the pain while she healed and hopefully break her fever.

Satisfied that she had done all that she could, Tiger Lilly picked up the little acorn and sat back. Waiting for a change and a miracle.


Peter was pacing outside Tiger Lilly's teepee. Wringing his hat in his hands, stomach in knots he waited and waited. His chest constricted painfully when he heard Wendy's cries. He tried to rub out the pain but it wasn't working. It just sat there aching.

Peter swore. He should have never left Wendy alone. And because he had left her, she was in pain. Peter glanced down at his hands and glared at the traces of blood, Her blood. Anger boiled inside of him. This wasn't his fault! Someone shot her! And that someone was going to pay.

With no happy thoughts, Peter couldn't fly. So instead he marched over to where the lost boys and Wendy's brothers were sitting. John was trying to console Michael who hadn't stopped crying since they had come to the village. The lost boys looked like they were on death row. Downtrodden and laden with guilt. They all jumped up as soon as they saw their leader headed towards them.

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