The Chief of Wisdom

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Wendy did not have a peaceful night's rest. She tossed and turned her mind unable to shut off. Hook's words about Peter being unable to love haunted and prodded at the sore spot in her heart. Wondering if she made the right choice to deny Hook's offer, she fretted all night long. It was dreadful. She had the opportunity to run away. To run away from all of the confusion and emotions she was facing. But she couldn't. She wanted to, but she couldn't. Wendy knew that if she accepted the offer she would have committed the deepest form of betrayal, next to growing up. She couldn't bring herself to do that to Peter, she... she... well she loved him.

"He is incapable of love."

Hook's voice taunted her. Wendy rolled over and curled up on her side. She sighed; the life of a pirate was looking rather wonderful at the moment. Finally she could take the hurt no longer. Tomorrow she would ask Peter if he returned her feelings at all, if he did she would stay. If not, she would ask Hook if there was still room on board for a story teller. With her mind made up, Wendy was able to finally drift off to sleep.

The next morning Tinkerbell was furious that Wendy was still alive. She thought that Hook would have taken care of his promise last night! The pixie flew around the hideout wreaking havoc. Throwing down pots, scattering weapons on the ground, and tipping over Wendy's sewing basket. If she wasn't happy then no one should be happy.

Wendy woke up at the commotion. She looked around the hideout in dismay. Everything was in disarray. With a frustrated sigh she began to pick up her discarded sewing basket. Once the boys woke up they decided they wanted to go on a treasure hunt. They begged their Mother to come with them, but she politely declined. She had a mound of sewing to finish, and the hideout was a mess.

Peter looked at Wendy with concern. He was still worried about her. He wanted to ask why she was crying last night, but Tink pulled on his ear every time Peter went near Wendy. Soon the boys and Peter left for their day of adventuring, leaving Wendy alone in the hideout.

Wendy used the time to mend her nightgown, clean the hideout, scrub down the table, and start fixing some of the lost boy's trousers. Wendy yawned, last night's restless sleep taking its revenge. Her eyes closed and her sewing dropped from her hands.

A rustling noise startled Wendy awake. She looked at the fading sun and groaned. She had slept in her chair for a good part of the day. Sore from sleeping in one position for so long, she stretched. The sound of feet scuffling up the stairs came from her left.

"Back already?" Wendy called out, gathering her sewing off the floor. When there was no answer, she cocked her head. That was odd.

"Boys? Peter?" still no one answered her. Her heartbeat picked up. She knew she wasn't alone, but no one responded to her calls. Silently she reached up for one of Peter's extra swords on the mantle place.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you m'dear."

Wendy froze in place. Blood drained from her face. Hook. Hook was here, in the hideout. Slowly she turned around, swallowing hard. Sure enough Hook and his band of pirates poured through the stairway entrance and into the hideout. Wendy's eyes met Hooks. Gone were the pleasant blue eyes of the gentleman. And in their place was the hatred filled red eyes of her nightmares. Wendy straightened her shoulders, daring to show him she was not afraid.

Hook's mouth twitched up, as if he were amused. "I'm so sorry for barging in unannounced, but we've been patiently waiting for just the right opportunity to get you alone."

Hooks men snickered and leered at Wendy.

Lifting her chin in defiance Wendy addressed Hook. "What do you want?"

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