Chapter 14: Neverland

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Wendy shivered in her sleep. There was a cool draft tonight and she thought she must have left the window open again. Drifting in and out of sleep she debated about getting up to close it. She snuggled deeper into her warm bed, which was actually surprisingly firm. But even odder was the smell. It smelled of dirt after rain, and salty ocean air, and something a little less than pleasant. That was not how Wendy's bed smelt, or felt!

"Good morning Wendy Lady"

Wendy's eyes blinked wide open. Instead of seeing her canopy above her she saw two familiar eyes, devilish red hair, and a debonair smile.

"Peter? ...What?...What on earth is going on?"

Peter smiled, "I saved you! Well I sorta kidnaped you."

Wendy gasped. "You what?!" Now fully awake she glanced around to find herself being carried in Peter's arms flying through the early dawn. A little bell chimed a response. Wendy looked for the sound. It was Tink. She was flying ahead of them eager to get home.

I told you she'd be mad. Tink rang.

Feeling a little chagrined Peter tried to explain, "Tink said you might be angry with me. But please don't be angry! I heard what happened last night. I was outside the window. I heard how you were being forced to grow up and I vowed not to let them do that to you. So I did the only thing I could think of. I saved you by kidnapping you! I am whisking you away to Neverland where you will never grow up! So please don't be angry at me!"

"I could never be angry with you Peter. And I never want to grow up!" Wendy sighed and leaned her head on Peter's chest. Unhappy thoughts of last night replayed in her head. There were so many emotions floating around in her heart. She was so angry at her parents, and she was so terribly sad, and frustrated, and despairing, and afraid. Most of all afraid and it made her heart hurt.

Peter looked down at Wendy who had grown quiet. Tears had started to form in her eyes.

"Hey," Peter whispered. "None of that. No crying I forbid it. I forbid all unhappy thoughts! And do you know why?"

Wiping away her tears, Wendy shook her head.

"Because," Peter smiled. "We are in the happiest place in the world! Welcome to Neverland Wendy!"

Below them clouds rolled away revealing the most beautiful island Wendy had ever seen. The sun was just coming up and the colors were magnificent. Emerald green trees, regal purple mountains, sparkling white sands, and jeweled rainbows were framed in the golden sunlight.

"Oh Peter! It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!"

Peter smiled and gently set Wendy down on a cloud. Wendy looked at Peter skeptically. He wanted her to walk on a cloud? But that was impossible!

"It's safe."

Wendy raised her eyebrow.

"I promise!" Peter laughed.

Hesitantly she took a step. It was soft, but stable. Grinning Wendy took another step, and then another. She was walking on a cloud! How deliciously impossible and yet, here she was! She walked over to the edge and peered out over Neverland.

"Look!" she exclaimed pointing to a cluster of white teepees. "That must be the Indian tribe! And look over there! Mermaid lagoon! And look! Skull Rock and Cannibal Cove! And are those the pirates? Is that the Jolly Roger? Oh Peter look! I think I can see Hook! What a Codfish!"

Wendy's enthusiasm was electric and Peter couldn't help but smile. She loved it! Peter was filled with sunshine and happy thoughts. Tinkerbell on the other hand was quite annoyed. The big ugly girl had now infested her home. She needed to get rid of her and fast. But how to do it?

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