Fights and Feelings

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Why did she have to be so... so... like a girl? Why couldn't she accept that he was right? Peter and Wendy had fought earlier that evening. Peter's mind ran kept replaying their fight and he became more and more irritated. Peter became so exasperated that the stick he was carving snapped in half. He glared at the broken pieces in his hand and then chucked them to the ground unceremoniously.

Peter stared off into the night sky and heaved a sigh of frustration. After a few deep breaths, the anger that was so blinding hot from earlier in the evening, dissipated into the cool ocean breeze.

He didn't know what to do. None of his fights with the lost boys had ever felt like this after words. With those fights it was call someone a name, yell a lot, get a good punch in and you were done. With Wendy things were different. There were more...feelings.

Now, the only feeling that was left was an icky one in the pit of his stomach. It made all the happy thoughts go away. Peter sighed and pulled a knee up to his chest to rest his cheek against it. He closed his eyes and went over what had happened again.


The sun was setting over Skull Rock and the air held a slight chill. Wendy and Tiger Lilly were freezing. It did not help that they were drenched in sea water.

"Where is Little F...f...flying E...eagle?" Tiger Lilly shivered as she asked one of the braves. He only shrugged his shoulders. The sun lowered even more on the horizon as they waited.

Wendy's eyes lit up when she saw Peter coming towards them. "There h...he is!"

All eyes turned and watched as Peter met up with the company of canoes. Tiger Lilly was beaming at him.

"The brave Flying Eagle has returned!"

Peter smirked, but the grin didn't quite reach his eyes. He turned to Wendy with a peculiar look on his face. Something akin to concern and betrayal. Wendy tipped her head down to avoid his gaze.

Peter shook his head and motioned to the leader of the group of braves, "I need to fly Tiger Lilly back to camp to keep my promise that she'd be there by sundown. Will you make sure Little Sparrow makes it back safely? I don't want her to happen to wander off...again."

Wendy cringed at Peter's tone, and gritted her teeth at being treated like an unruly child. By Peter Pan no less! But she held her tongue; it wouldn't do to cause a scene right now.

The brave nodded and Peter scooped up Tiger Lilly. Wendy didn't miss the look she threw her way. Like the cat that ate the canary. Peter and Tiger Lilly took off, while she was left to shiver in the last lingering rays of day. This only added to Wendy's growing frustration at Tiger Lilly's antics and overall exhaustion. She heaved a heavy sigh.

"Something troubling you Little Sparrow?" The brave asked.

Wendy looked out across the water, "It shouldn't be, but it is."

She offered no more on the subject so the brave let it drop.

By the time they reached the Indian camp there was a steady pounding of drums and a large roaring bonfire. Wendy desperately wanted to just curl up in front of it and sleep for a thousand years. But it was not to be. For as soon as she stepped foot into the camp she was greeted by several small bodies clamoring to reach her.

"Mother!" Nibs shouted as he raced to her enveloping her in a hug.

Michael, Tootles, Cubby, the Twins, and even John ran to join the hug.

"We were so worried about you!" Michael cried squeezing Wendy tightly.

Wendy hugged them all back but was confused as to what they were doing here. John seeing her confusion offered an explanation.

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