Offers by Candlelight

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Wendy spun around; Captain Hook stepped out of the darkness and into the candle light. Wendy's heart quickened, frightened she looked for an escape, but pirates had circled the glen. Hook saw the frightened look in Wendy's eyes and approached her cautiously, showing no animosity.

"Please, have a seat m'dear. I was just about to sit down to dine and you are more than welcome to join me." He pulled out one of the chairs for her.

Wendy sat and looked at the Captain, bewildered. This was the gentleman she met on the beach. The calm front not the wild and raging storm she had also known. It unnerved her. Wendy started to take a step back, but a sharp point to the middle of her back abruptly stopped her retreat. The pirate gave a little shove and sent Wendy stumbling forward.

"MULLINS!" Hook glared at the pirate. "That is no way to treat a guest! Especially no way to treat a lady!"

Hook turned to Wendy and helped her to her seat. "My apologies, my men don't have the best manners."

Tinkerbell flew up to the Captain, tinkled something received a nod and flew away. Captain Hook smiled and turned back to Wendy. Hook sat down at the other end of the table. Wendy sat guarded, waiting for Hook to strike out. She had seen his ruthlessness before; she had even been on the receiving end. She almost wished for the outright rage. Wendy didn't know what to make of the Gentleman Captain Hook. She watched him, fascinated.

Hook fussed with his napkin and snapped his fingers. Mr. Smee trudged over with a bottle of wine. He started to pour but Hook motioned for Smee to serve Wendy first. Wendy politely shook her head. As Smee poured the wine Hook spoke.

"Feel free to help yourself to whatever you desire, Miss Darling, there is plenty here."

Wendy looked at the mounds of food, her mouth watering. She hadn't eaten since the picnic on the beach. Her stomach was in too much turmoil for supper that evening. But since her cry, she was emotionally exhausted and very hungry. Crying will do that to you. She picked a piece of chicken, a few grapes, and a fluffy white roll.

The two ate in silence, each watching the other. Hook observing the condition of the girl. She was in a raged dress, scratches up and down her arms. Her face was streaked with tear stains, picked up in the candlelight. She had an air of confidence but also of suspicion. Good, the girl knew to be on her guard, she was smart. But how smart?

Hook's mind turned over the promise he made to Miss Bell. Before Tink had flown away she told him the location of the hideout, Hangman's Tree. Hook couldn't have been more delighted with the knowledge. And it took everything in his power to not run to the tree and slice Pan's neck as he slept. But he was careful, and cunning. He had a plan and a promise to keep. Hook dabbed his mouth with his napkin and addressed the girl.

"Pardon me for being so forward, but it looks to me like you have been crying. Pray, what great evil has caused you to weep?"

Wendy's head snapped up. Her eyes searched Hook's blue ones for any sign of mockery. But there was none, all she saw was genuine concern. He was the first person to ask what was wrong, to show feeling, to show that her feelings mattered.

"I...It's complicated and long."

Hook leaned back in his chair, "I've got all the time in the world, what is the matter Miss Darling?"

Wendy's brow creased. Should she tell Hook what happened? It would be so nice to talk to someone. But he is a pirate and not to be trusted! He seems genuinely concerned, and it had been such a long day, she needed to let it out. Her breath shuddered and her shoulders slumped forward.

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