Chapter 1: The First Story

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If one were to look in through the window of the Darling's nursery, they might find quite an unexpected surprise. The normally tidy nursery was in disarray. On one side of the room sheets had been strewn across bed posts creating small forts. At the other end pillow cases had been tied to a coat stand creating a make-shift mast and sails. A small boy in red pajamas was chasing a slightly older boy in glasses around the room. They each held a wooden sword in one hand while the older boy had a clothes hanger in his right hand using it as a hook.

Now for the Darling children this was not unusual. Nearly every night before bed, the children would act out different scenes from the wonderful stories their sister told. Stories about a magnificent flying boy named Peter Pan who was daring and brave. He fought pirates and went on treasure hunts and had many other exciting endeavors. And best of all he lived in a magical place called Neverland where he would never grow up!

"Arg! Take that you scurvy pirate!" the little boy yelled taking a big swing at the older boy.

"Never!" The boy laughed. "Die Peter Pan!" he yelled as he turned and thrust his sword at the little boy. Wendy who was pretending to be tied up to the 'mast' of the ship suddenly looked up in surprise.

"Oh no John!"

The older boy looked at his sister questioningly in mid strike.

"Remember it was Hook's left hand that Peter cut off, not the right."

"Oh yes! I believe you are right Wendy." John adjusted his glasses and then his 'hook'. He turned his attention back to his fierce opponent.

"Take that Peter Pan!" John lunged at the little boy accidently hitting him too hard on the hand. The little boy dropped his sword at the unexpected burst of pain.

"Ouch! John that hurted!" The little boy cried out in protest, sucking on his wounded fingers.

"I am terribly sorry Michael! I did not mean to hit so hard." John apologized, lowering his sword. Wendy seeing the little boy's pain untied herself from the 'mast' and went over to comfort him. She took great pride in making sure that her brothers were safe and cared for.

Wendy knelt down besides Michael and gently took his hand. Michael winced as she lightly pressed on a small red welt. Wendy smiled at her youngest brother, who was trying very hard not to cry.

"You are being very brave Michael." She tenderly kissed the little red spot. Michael wiped his nose on his sleeve. "You are just like Peter Pan."

"Really Wendy?" He sniffled feeling a bit cheered up. For Michael desperately wanted to be brave and strong like Peter Pan. Wendy smiled hugged the little boy.

"Yes Michael. You are strong, and brave, a true hero just like Peter Pan."

"Who is just like Peter Pan?" A soft voice asked from the door. The children jumped up to greet their mother


Peter was weaving in and out of chimneys and zooming down alleys at lightning speeds. He was having a great time. He was diving towards the ground and seeing how long he could wait before he pulled up, when he heard it. He heard his name.

Peter immediately stopped and looked around. Who could have said that? He looked to Tink thinking she said it. The fairy shook her head. Peter strained his ears but heard nothing. He shrugged his shoulders. Maybe it was just the wind playing tricks on him.

He decided to forget about it and started down a charming little street. Peter stopped for a second time. There! He heard it again he was sure of it! Somebody clearly said 'Peter Pan.' Peter grew suspicious. Who knew he was here and not in Neverland?

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