Chapter 13: Trouble

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Wendy was in trouble. And she knew it. She knew it the moment she saw Aunt Millicent's great black coach in front of the Darling's residency. Wendy didn't have lessons with her aunt today, so seeing her coach could mean only one thing. Someone was in deep trouble.

Wendy soundlessly turned the doorknob and walked inside the house, trying to enter unnoticed. She slipped off her shoes and tip toed passed the parlor door. It was shut, but there was quiet murmuring inside. Trying to remember which stairs creaked and which ones didn't, Wendy made her up the stairs and to the nursery. Once inside she was finally able to let go of the breath she had been holding.

"Trying to avoid your impending doom?"

"AH!" Wendy jumped clutching at her heart. She turned around. John and Michael were on the floor laughing.

"John! That wasn't very nice."

"Haha but it was funny! You should have seen your face!" John whipped away a tear, "Oh your face, it was white as if you had seen a ghost! And you jumped so high!"

Wendy folded her arms and gave John a withering glare. She was about to reprimand Michael for laughing at her when she was interrupted.


Wendy closed her mouth and swallowed hard. John and Michael stopped laughing and looked at their sister with pity.

"WENDY! GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!" Her father bellowed.

"Coming!" She called back.

John turned to his sister. "I am sorry, I don't know what it's about, but father is awful upset. If...if you don't make it, may I have your sword?"

"No!" Wendy snapped. "Nothing is going to happen."

Chin held high and defiant Wendy walked out of the nursery at towards the room full of grownups. Wendy entered the parlor, curtsied to her aunt and moved to sit in the window seat. She glanced at each adult.

Her father had already worn down the carpet in front of the fire place pacing. Her mother had a deeply concerned look on her face, wringing her hands and looking from defiant daughter to fuming father. And Aunt Millicent looked at Wendy as though she had tracked mud into the parlor, filthy.

Finally her Father broke the silence. "WELL?! What do you have to say for yourself young lady?"

Wendy was not ready for that attack and the look on her face clearly showed it.

"George Dear, maybe it would help if she understood what the problem is." Her mother turned to Wendy. "Wendy your father and I and your aunt are very concerned about some of the behaviors you have been displaying as of late. Would you be so kind as to tell us what might be troubling you to act this way?"

Wendy was still confused. "What behaviors mother? I don't understand why I am in trouble."

This time it was Wendy's aunt who spoke up, and she was livid. "Behaviors such as bringing a street urchin into your room! A boy no less, and in your night dress too?! Child what possessed you? Close that gaping mouth young lady it is most unbecoming. Yes we know all about last night."

"ALL ABOUT IT!" Her father reiterated.

Bewildered Wendy's heart quickened and her stomach felt sick. They knew all about it? Everything? How? No, they couldn't know everything... could they? The flying, the falling...the kiss? She sat there mind whirling and mouth flapping like a fish. For once she was out of words.

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