Who Shot the Lady?

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High above the London skyline three boys flew towards the special second star. Well one boy flew and the other two floundered along. Peter had wasted no time teaching John and Michael on how to fly properly. He was far too eager to get back to Wendy.

Earlier Peter had flown back to the nursery window and looked inside. The older boy, John, was sprawled halfway on the bed and halfway on the floor. A small ocean of drool leaking from his snoring mouth. Michael wasn't much better, cocooned in a mass of blankets, head down by the baseboard and feet up by his pillow. Peter shook his head and gave a small chuckle. They would fit right in with the other lost boys.

He woke the boys, none too gently, and told them where he had taken their sister. Michael had instantly taken a liking to Peter; he was after all, his hero. It had taken a bit more persuasion and a few flying tricks to convince John who he was. Then sprinkling some extra pixie dust and telling them to think happy thoughts they were out the window! John and Michal fumbled and bumbled their way around but it was good enough for Peter. They were off and almost back to Neverland, Peter couldn't wait to see how happy Wendy would be when he brought her brothers with him. The thought made him grin and fly just a bit faster.


The lost boys watched in anticipation as their arrows hit their intended target, the big blue Bird. They boys cheered as they bird fell from the sky. Tink grinned evilly as she watched Wendy fall from the sky. It was just too perfect!

Cubby gawked in amazement as he watched. "I hit it! I actually hit it!"

Slightly and Nibs looked at each other then back at Cubby.

"What makes you think it was your arrow that shot it down?" Nibs said leaning on his bow.

"I just know it was I can feel it!" Cubby said proudly.

"Nah, Nah, it was our arrow!" The Twins vied.

Tootles pointed to himself emphatically, wanting to get his opinion in.

Slightly was getting a little annoyed. They could stand here all day arguing about who shot it or they could get off their butts and go find it.

"I don't care who shot it, let's just go find it!" Slightly yelled.

And with that the boys raced through the Neverland jungle, whooping and hollering, their victorious war cries filled the air. They had shot the dangerous Bird just like Tink had said to. Which meant Pan was going to be proud of them! Each was eager to be the first to the fallen Bird, and claim the right to tell Pan.

They slowed as they reached a small clearing. There in the center of the clearing was the bird. Only... it wasn't a bird.

Slightly held up a hand to signal to the boys to hold back and whispered in shock.

"That's no bird! That... is a lady!"

"A lady," The boys echoed in awe.

The boys crept closer to the lady. She was the most beautiful lady they had ever seen. She was perfect... except for the arrow that was sticking out of her heart, and the one in her leg. Slightly started to panic a little when he saw the blood on her nightdress.

The twins gasped, Nibs looked to Slightly who was trying to see how to stop the bleeding.

Cubby all but burst into hysterics when he saw that it really was his arrow that shot her down.

"I shot her! It wasn't a bird I shot a lady! What Am I going to do? Pan will kill me! Somebody quick, put me out of my misery! I shot a lady! I'm a common criminal!"

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