Triumphs, Thimbles, and Tears

Start from the beginning

After training Wendy would prepare dinner, tell a story and send the boys to bed. The rest of the night was spent by the fire usually mending the boy's old clothes. Or she would be working on a new dress for her, since her nightgown was not conducive to lost girl training. Peter was usually nearby playing his pipes or whittling something. Wendy would often catch him staring at her; she would duck her head to hide her blush.

Some nights she would fall asleep sewing and wake up in her bed the next morning. She never asked, but had an inkling that Peter had often carried her there. Wendy stretched and rolled out of bed. Today Slightly was in charge of training, they were going to learn bow and arrow, tomahawk, and slingshot.

She slowly meandered out to the kitchen area to prepare breakfast. Slightly was the only other one up when she walked out.

"Good morning Mother!" Slightly beamed cheerfully at her. He hefted a large quiver of arrows onto his shoulder. "Ready for an adventure?"

Wendy laughed, "It's always an adventure when I'm with you boys!"

She turned to the kitchen and pulled out a few bananas and coconuts. Slowly the rest of the boys started to come to the table, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. "Good morning boys!" Wendy greeted. Her answer was a series of disgruntled and sleepy "morning's" Wendy looked around the table as she served breakfast.

"Where's Peter?" She asked

"He left early this morning to go explore the island or something like that." Slightly offered, mouth full or banana.

"Oh," was all Wendy said as she sat down to eat.

"He does that sometimes. He'll leave for a while, but he'll come back." Nibs pointed out.

"I'm sure he will." They ate the rest of breakfast in silence. "Alright!" Slightly announced, "Who's ready to learn to shoot?"


Peter watched as Wendy and the boys walked to a clearing in the forest, just a little ways from the hideout. Peter had decided to observe from afar today, just for curiosities sake. He wanted to see how well Wendy did or didn't do when he wasn't there.

Slightly had painted several targets on trees down at the far end of the clearing. There were three stations, one for bow and arrow, one for sling shot and one for tomahawk.

"Let's start at the tomahawk. Mother you're up first. We'll start with your stance." Slightly instructed. Wendy moved up to a line twelve feet from a target. "Now your feet should be shoulder width apart in a comfortable stance. When you are throwing put most of your weight on your right foot so you can step forward with your left. Now to grip the tomahawk hold it like you would hold a hammer, near the end, with the cutting edge of the blade face down. Got that?"

Wendy gripped the weapon, "I think so."

Slightly looked at her grip and nodded his approval. "Now extend your arm out in front of you. Then slowly raise it above your shoulder, without fully bending your elbow. Now you are ready to throw. When you bring your arm back down, and your arm is horizontal, you are ready to release."
Slightly demonstrated once, the hawk sticking dead center in the target. "Don't try to throw too hard. If it's sharp the hawk will stick by itself. The weight and momentum is usually enough to carry and stick it. Power, speed, and more importantly accuracy will come with time and practice. ready to give it a try?"

Wendy looked wide eyed at the tomahawk. "I guess so."

Facing the target she raised her arm in front of her and then brought it up behind her shoulder. Taking a deep breathe she threw. The tomahawk flew through the air with a wobble and clunked off the tree truck, landing in the grass next to it.

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