Fights and Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Chief had Running Bear come get us. Running Bear told us that you and the princess had been kidnapped, but that Pan had saved you. Now the Chief is hosting some elaborate celebration and requested all of us to be here."

"Thank you John," Wendy murmured.

"Oh! And this is for you!" Nibs said holding out a wrapped package. "The Chief said you might want a change of clothes."

Wendy took the package and unwrapped it. It was her nightgown, mended and as good as new! She smiled gratefully. Untangling herself from the boys she went to go ask for a teepee to change into. A kindly, older squaw showed her to a remote teepee. Once Wendy was changed, the older lady helped her comb out her snarled hair. Fresh cloths, combed hair, and hugs from her boys, Wendy felt a million times better!

Humming contently Wendy made it to the center of the village just in time to hear the Chief's big announcement. Peter was standing next to the chief, with a large feathered headdress and cocky grin plastered to his face.

"My people! Tonight I am honored to present to you, for his bravery in rescuing my daughter, Chief Flying Eagle!" The Chief pounded Peter on the back almost making him fall over. Peter not one to miss an opportunity to be the center of attention, crowed loudly.

Cheers erupted all around! The drums began to play, and the dancers took their places, Peter at the head. The lost boys whooped! And went to join in the celebration. Wendy, tired from the events of the day, opted to sit out and watch when Nibs asked her to come dance with them.

After a few songs, Tiger Lilly asked to have the floor. She performed a series of complicated and beautiful dances just for Peter. All the while batting her eyelashes at Peter and throwing challenging and pointed glares at Wendy. Wendy's face flushed and her blood ran hot. But she would not give Tiger Lilly the satisfaction of seeing her be petty and jealous.

So she turned her face to watch her boys instead. They had all gathered around the Chief who was telling them about a story from his golden years. Wendy listened in, laughing at the enthusiasm that the he put into his stories. Why he's almost more animated than Nibs!

She turned to see Peter's reaction when her heart stopped. Tiger Lilly had leaned in and was giving Peter a kiss! 

Wendy gaped! 

What? What? WHAT! Real jealousy and hurt stung her now. That combined with the trials of the day, was just too much for her to handle. Fighting back a few angry tears she stormed out of the village. True she still didn't know the way back to the hideout, but anything had to be better than seeing what she just saw.


Peter was in a daze, Tiger Lilly had just done something incredibly strange. She had leaned in so close that her lips touched Peter's. Peter wasn't sure what to make of it. It was...interesting. Her lips were firm and hard and during it Peter briefly wondered what Wendy's lips would feel like. That thought almost made him dizzy!

Then out of the corner of his eye, Peter watched Wendy sneak out behind the teepees. This snapped him out of his trance and he pulled back from Tiger Lilly. He watched as Wendy continued to walk into the forest...alone...again.

Oh no she's not! Frustration building he hurried to catch up with her.

Peter reached out and grabbed Wendy's arm.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" His tone a little less than happy.

Wendy looked down at his arm and glared. "Home, I'm going back to Hangman's Tree."

At the word "home" Peter's gut had clenched, he had thought for a moment....but no, she hadn't meant that.

"I don't think so." He said folding his arms and blocking her path.

"And why not? I can do as I please." Wendy huffed maneuvering around him.

"No you can't. For one, It's dark, two you don't know the way back, and three," Peter's voice escalated along with his growing frustration. "three, the last time I left you alone, you broke your promise and got captured by pirates! And if I hadn't been there who knows what would have happened! You'd most likely be sleeping with the fish!"

Wendy's pride was hurt, "I had things under control." She mumbled.

"What?!" Peter demanded flabbergasted. "Dangling from a rock, water up to your neck. You call that under control? Wendy you could have been killed."

"But I wasn't!"

"Only because I happened to be planning a rescue mission to save Tiger Lilly,"

At the mention of Tiger Lilly, Wendy's mind flashed back to her giving Peter a thimble. Anger flared up.

"I'm leaving, But I'll have you know that I am perfectly capable of defending myself."

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing! She was being so stubborn, couldn't she see that he was right and she was wrong? "Oh yeah?" Peter challenged. "Prove it."

Handing over his rapier to Wendy, he took a step back, armed with his dagger. Wendy was momentarily shocked, but regained confidence quickly. She readied herself, and then raised her sword.

Peter was angry. He was angry that they were fighting, that she wasn't letting him be right. He was angry that Hook had captured Wendy, and most importantly he was angry that Wendy had broken her promise. He let all that anger fester beneath the surface then he attacked. He attacked Wendy, and he attacked the hurt he was fighting inside his chest.


Wendy wasn't expecting the force of Peter's blows, or the fierce determination on his face. And within a few moves Peter had Wendy pinned up against a tree, weaponless, dagger to the throat. Peter was breathing hard. He stared into Wendy's eyes.

"Until you can learn to defend yourself you will not leave the hideout unaccompanied."

Wendy stiffened and raised her head in defiance. "What makes you think I won't just sneak out again."

"Do, and I'll banish you from Neverland." Peter's tone was harsh and unforgiving.

Wendy's eyes widened. Peter finally let go of Wendy and moved to walk back to the camp. He called back over his shoulder.

"Training starts tomorrow morning...early."

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