Bad Days pt.1(?) ~ (Marvel)

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Headcanons? Kinda?

I might write actual oneshots about their bad days, but only if you his comment who's bad day you wanna see. And unless I updated this saying I'm no longer taking requests I'll write it even if you request it in like 2030 or some far of future date.

All the Avengers had their bad days. Every one of them. It was no surprise after all they'd gone through, but it was random. Waves of depression would hit one of them all at once with no warning. On those days everyone knew to be extra nice to that person and let them have their space. Tony had installed a suiside protocol in all his A.I.s, just in case. They all had bad days. That's just the way life is.


Bruce would have days were the anger would be too much. The self hatred would take over. He would barely be able to hold the big guy in check. To protect others he'd spend his day in his room (Tony made it Hulk proof). The others would bring him food and make conversation for a few minutes, making sure he wasn't lonely. Sometimes Tony or Thor would sit outside of his room, occasionally talking to let Bruce know he wasn't alone.


Nat would have days where the red room was all she could think about. On those days she'd be even more closed off, spending all her time in the gym training. Everyone knew just to let her be on these days. Occasionally Clint and Bucky would spar with her, but they would find it almost impossible to keep her from actually killing them, so more often than not she spent her time alone.


Tony wouldn't have bad days, he'd have bad weeks. No one could get him out of his lab. Not Stephan, not Nebula, not Peter, not Harley, not even Morgan. He'd work till he'd drop. He'd work furiously on his suits as well as ones for every one else. He'd add every single safety feature he could imagine and more to make sure the impossible never happened. He couldn't lose them again, he just couldn't.


Peter's bad days were spent at the Avengers facility. At first everyone would be worried when Peter's bad days came around, but realized that on Peter's bad days he needed to be alone or just get a lot of silent cuddles from Harley, Ned, and Morgan.


On these days Bucky would hear the winter soldier in his head. His PTSD would take over and suddenly everything was trying to kill him again. He spent these days training with Nat, the only person who could truly relate, or curled up in his room fending off the thoughts of all the people he'd killed. At night he'd bury his head into Steve's chest and hold him tight, he was not going to lose him.


The captain's bad days were spent curled around Bucky. Literally. He'd grab onto Bucky and not let go till he fell asleep. He was hunted by the image of his best friend, now lover, falling into the snowy abyss.


These were the days our funny, laughing, fluff ball, Clint, was reminded of the circus. Don't get him wrong, he still loves the games and is a master at them, but when some of your darkest memories are of a circus tent that smelt strongly of popcorn and peanut shells you no longer find the bright lights so alluring or the many smells so delicious. At random times he'd sit bolt up right because he smelled the popcorn Ned and Peter were making for their movie marathon. Most of the time he didn't have bad days, he just had bad hours, spent curled up shaking until Nat or Wanda managed to calmed him down.


Thor had gone through a lot of loss in his life. His bad days were spent mourning the numerous losses he'd endured. He'd find himself on that cliff watching the sea, letting the wind blow through his hair, remembering. Eventually someone would sit with him and listen to every story he had to share about those he'd lost.


Harley was very much like his father figure on his bad days. He threw himself into his work until Shuri or Peter physically dragged him away and forced him to eat ice cream and watch Star Wars with them and Ned. As much as he'd grumble about it, these were some of his favorite times with Peter and their friends.


Sam was extra snappy on his bad days. It got to the point where everyone had to avoid him as to avoid the verbal slaughter. Surprisingly it was on these days Bucky actually hung out with Sam. It seemed out of everyone he was unaffected by Sam's increase in sarcasm. Occasionally Steve would join them, but, more often than not, he didn't know how to take Sam's insults that hit a little too close to the truth. Of course, if Sam's mom was anywhere near by she'd show up with fresh baked cookies and a hug for Bucky to thank him for sitting with her son on his bad days.


No one wanted to see Wanda's bad days. Despite being in control of her powers now on her bad days they lashed out unexpectedly. She'd often find herself screaming her brother's name, magic radiating off her. Tony had made a special room for her. He made sure it looked nothing like her room at Hydra and that it was fit to her needs. Clint would almost always be off somewhere else when these out burst happened and, therefore, couldn't stop her. By the end of her freak out she'd be existed and would sleep for hours before apologizing to everyone.

That's all for now, I know I left out a few characters and didn't add any of the ant man gang or garden of the galaxy people so if you want me to make a part two with all of them I will. (Also Loki, vision, etc.)


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