sorrynotsorry (TMI, Rick Riodan, Hamilton)

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XD, I just found this from last summer! This is what happens in when you let me pull two all-nighters in the space of four/three?? days. Feel free to correct me on anything spelt wrong or anything that sounds wrong (grammatically), thx.
Crossover; crack

Magnus Chase and Magnus Bane both appear in a large, empty, room.

Chase looks around wildly, "What just happened?! Who are you?! Where'd TJ and Alex go?!"

Bane (covered in glitter) "What are you?"

Chase, "what??"

Izzy appears, "You can't just ask people what they are Magnus."

Alec, Alex, and Alexander appear

Alex jumps into a fighting pose, "What the #%*>? Magnus? What's going on?"

Alec looks surprised but ready to fight.

Hamilton just stands there stunned.

Before anything else can happen a girl with brown hair runs into the room. She's wearing black leggings and a shirt that reads, "I'm pan- duh" with a panda on it. She throughs pink, blue, and gold glitter over everyone.

"Hia! My name's Jade!"

Everyone faces her wearily, all on their guard. (Even Hamilton who's still trying to understand what the heck is going on)

The girl, whose shorter than all of them, looks up slightly at them looking expectant.

"Oh! Wait, you don't know each other! Don't worry the readers already know who you all are."

She snaps her fingers and suddenly they're all sitting in chars. Alec and Magnus Bane are sitting together, though you can really call it that since Alec was now sprawled across a couch with his head in Magnus's lap. Alex and Magnus Chase are sitting together on another couch. Finally, Hamilton is on his own couch.

Jade frowned, looking at Hamilton, "that won't do." She snapped her fingers again and Laurence appeared next to Hamilton.

"Okay, now that we have the... OTPs... Kinda, maybe the main ship of that fandom is more appropriate," she seemed to be discussing it with herself more than them, "anyway, I should introduce you all!" She gestured to the TMI couch first, "Here we have Magnus Bane, the high warlock of Brooklyn and his boyfriend Alec, or Alexander, lightwood, he's a shadow hunter." Next, she gestured tours, Magnus Chase and Alex, "these two wonderful people are dead demigods. Magnus Chase, son of Frey, and Alex, child of Loki. Finally, I introduce Hamilton, yes, the founding father on the ten dollar bill. And his boyfriend, or at least that's what the fandom wants me to say, Laurence. The only reason you two are here is because I came into TMI fandom a little late and every time I read Alexander I imagined the ten dollars founding Father without a father."

No one moved the enter time she was talking, but that may have been few to the fact she was holding them in place using her author magic.

I'm just going to leave that there XD

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