Hate, Love, and Family (Voltron)

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Word count: 1736
This was written pre session 8


Lance hated that Mullet. He hated the color red, just because that boy wore it. He hated Keith. Sure, it was unreasonable, but the more you think about it, it wasn't. When you feel something you can't identify you often try to turn it into something you do know. For Lance this just so happen to be love turned to hate. In life those two are often mixed together. They're strong emotions that can destroy a person and make a person destroy others. And Lance was not someone who had control over his emotions.


For the past month since the battle against the robeast team Voltron had settled into life on Earth. Pidge had spent her time with her family, she wasn't allowed out of her mother's sight without a good reason. You don't just sneak into space with out repercussions. Hunk had settled in with his family and had been cooking for everyone nonstop. And hey if a certain alien helped cook that just made the cooking even better. Allura, Romell, and Coran had quickly learned to work alongside humans to further science. Shiro had buried himself in his work. After finding out about Adam's death he was devastated, but he didn't show his pain with tears or sobbing. No, Shiro threw himself into his work and ignored anyone's attempts to bring up Adam. He wasn't happy, but he was fine with that, everyone else was happy, he wouldn't let his grieving get in the way. Keith had done his grieving for Adam, then he had settled in with Lance's family, not completely on purpose.

Lance's parents had been happy to meet everyone who'd kept their son safe while he was in space. They'd repeatedly thanked Shiro and Allura for taking care of him. Shiro had some how managed to shift some of the blame for Lance's safety onto Keith, who'd been thanked profoundly and swept into the Maclane family.

Most of Lance's siblings had quickly learned about Keith and enjoyed his mature attitude. Veronica had practically adopted him as her new brother and BFF. Interestingly enough, their stubborn personalities fit together perfectly, making them fast friends. Lance's nephews had remand loyal to him up till Keith had amused them with fake explosions and miming sword fights to demonstrate their tails of space. In other words, all of Lance's family had betrayed him and, to an extent, replaced him.

In space Lance had learned to work with, and even enjoy, Keith, but things were different on Earth. Keith was better than him in every way when it came to Earth. Even when it came to his own family.

Lance was currently siting in the tree house his father had constructed when Lance's older siblings were young kids. He was watching his family interact with each other. Keith was laughing with Veronica about something she had said. A pang of hurt went through his chest. Jealousy? Maybe it was because Keith had been accepted as part of Lances family to the point that he was considered a new Lance. Lance's family didn't mean to replace him. In fact they had been overjoyed to have their baby boy home. Lance was confused as to why Keith had been adopted into the family. It wasn't uncommon for his family to take care of outcasts and loners, but they seemed to fall over themselves to impress Keith. Now that Lance was thinking about it he realized it was exactly how they had treated his brother's wife when they first started dating. But Keith wasn't dating any of them. Or was he? Lance looked back at Keith and Veronica. How close they stood together. How happy they looked side by side. No way. No. Keith was not going to have his sister.

Lance's train of thought was interrupted by one of his brothers, Carlos, climbing into the treehouse.

"I noticed you were siting up here," he patted Lance on the back as he sat down next to him, "you're missing the party."

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