Holidays ~ Voltron ~ Pt.1

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Word Count: 1006

Lance reached up on the tips of his toes to hang an ordement the upper branches of the Christmas tree. Below him Keith helped Max to hang up the ornament he had made at school. Alice was laying on her stomach watching them. Lance stood back to admire their work. The tree was covered with a variety of ornaments him and Keith had collected over the past five years of their life's. Their small family had grown from newly weds to a par of exhausted parents watching over two beautiful children.

Lance's smile grew as he thought about how much their family had grown since the Galra war. He reached down and scoped up Alice.

"Hot cocoa everyone?" He asked.

Keith glared at him.

"Please, I don't plan on murdering you this time," Lance rolled his eyes remembering the time he had almost killed his husband (back when they were just starting to date) with cocoa made from milk the way his mother had always made it.

"You didn't murder me, just gave me horrible diarrhea," Keith corrected.

Max wrinkled his nose, "Cocoa, da! Not other stuff! Come on!" Max complained, pulling Keith tord a the kitchen.


Keith wrapped Alice in her pastel pink towel to dry her off. The little one year old wiggled about trying to get away from the towel.

"Hold still, little gal."

Keith finally managed to dry off Alice. He carried her to her room and changed her into her pajamas. Alice was already dosing off, it had been an eventful evening after all. He gently laid her down in her crib for the night.

Keith walked out of the room after flipping on the baby monitor. He walked into the living room and found his husband playing guess who with Max. He paused to admire how well Lance handled their child. He remberd when there adoption papers had finally been accepted and they had gotten their little two year old. It had taken over a year to get everything in order and another few months to actually find a kid that fit them. (This is actually how long it takes, it seriously annoys me when people simplify it to walking into an orphange and choosing a kid like it's a store!) Lance had been so frightened to have his own kid. He had plenty of experience with kids before, but the thought of actually being the adult responsible for them 24/7 was another matter all together. Keith had already had his 'I'm going to be a parent and I'm not prepared for this!' freak out when Lance and him had decided to adopt. It was hard to calm down Lance when he freaked out, but somehow he'd managed to do it. Keith got over his thoughts and reambered what time it was, but before he could interrupted the game of guess who Lance and Max jumped up. Max started running away from Lance who chased after him. Lance scooped Max up and held him upside down.

"Fine, fine! I may have peaked!" Max admitted laughing.

Lance let him down, "And what have I told you about lying?"

"Not too. But you lied to da about-"

"Shhh, that's our secret remember?"

Keith decided he'd ask about that later before interrupting.

"Hey, it's time for bed you trouble makers," Keith's voice was scolding, but the smile on his face showed his true emotions.

"But daaaa!!!" Max complained.

"No buts young man, your da said it was time for bed, that means it's time for bed," Lance scolded.

"Papa! No fair, I'm not tired!" Max stomped his foot as if that would prove his point.

"If you don't go to bed now the tickle monster is going to come and get you!" Lance threatened.

Max shrieked and ran down the hallway with Lance chasing him.

Keith sighed and walked into the kitchen to pour himself another cup of hot cocoa. It was only a few minuets later when Lance came in to join him.

"That was an eventful day!" Lance plopped down in the set next to Keith.

"No kidding," Keith smiled, "it was fun though. We haven't had time to hang out with them lately."

"True, but you'll be begging to be away from them by the end of the winter break."

"Yeah, probably. You didn't have any trouble putting Max to bed, did you?"

"Nah, he fell asleep pretty quick, turns out he was tired."

"What a surprise," Keith grinned.

"You know who else is tired?"


Lance stuck his tong out at Keith, and once again Keith remembered when they were younger and rivals.

"Yeah, remember when you were convinced we were rivals?" Keaton asked.

"Oh, yes. All too well. I was so stupid,"

"Yes, you were, and your IQ just keeps on getting lower."

"Haha, very funny."

"I mean you were afraid of adopting even though baby's love you,"

"Everyone loves me."

"I can see why,"

"You flatter me!" Lance fell dramatically into Keith almost knocking his hot cocoa off the table.

"Okay, you need sleep," Keith announced looking at his lover with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine," Lance grumbled.

"And now we know where Max gets it from," Keith stood, pushing Lance off his lap and almost onto the floor if he hadn't caught himself.

"Your mean," Lance made a pouty face at Keith.

"And you're a baby," Keith bopped Lance's nose before heading off to get ready for bed.

After climbing in bed Keith couldn't sleep. He knew he wouldn't fall asleep till Lance got there. Both of them couldn't sleep without the other. Something about have their arms around each other helped with the nightmares.

The bed dipped down. An arm wrapped itself around Keith.

"Who's this hansom devil in my bed?" Lance asked, face pressed into his husbands hair.

"Looks like you. We all know I'm an angel," Keith turned over so he could snuggle into Lance's chest.

"Sure, emo king."

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep."

"Fine, goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too."

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