Chapter 1

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'If you do not make peace with your past, it will keep showing up in your present.' - Dr Wayne W Dyer


The Cimorelli house was quiet that evening. Three months had passed since the Aunt Stephanie fiasco and Christina was still living at the house. She had decided to give Noah a real chance and they were officially together. He would come over a couple of nights a week to hang out before the younger girls kicked him out. He was there at the moment in Christina's room. They said they were watching a movie but nobody really believed them. Christina also quit her job at the law firm. She was getting some money from renting out her flat and had become a private lawyer, mostly pro-bono stuff but occasionally she would get a client who could pay.

Kathrine was currently grading some test papers in the dining room. Lauren and Dani were practising spells in the attic with Lisa supervising to make sure they didn't blow the house up. Lisa had managed to get her dark power under control. A few more basement practice sessions with Christina and Amy were enough to help her really settle in with the power, and more importantly, command the power to do what she wanted. Amy was on a late shift at the hospital so, just like always, Katherine was going to pick her up at two in the morning. 

An almighty crash echoed throughout the house, shaking everyone and everything inside, and someone landed on the floor of their entryway with a thud. They all came running. 'What the hell!' Dani yelled as she stopped at the top of the stairs with Lisa and Lauren behind her. They looked over the heads of Christina and Noah, who were halfway up the stairs, and saw their Aunt Stephanie. She was sitting up and brushing herself down, ignoring the hole she'd made in their floorboards.

'So, I'm going to leave.' Noah said a little awkwardly.

'Good idea.' Christina agreed as they made their way to the bottom.

'Call me later?' Noah asked.

'Will do.' Christina confirmed. She gave him a kiss and he left the building.

'Aunt Steph?' Lauren said as everyone gathered around her. She got to her feet and continued to clean herself down.

'He's very cute Christina.' Stephanie grinned at her. Christina folded her arms looking more than unimpressed. 'You're angry. I know.'

'What are you doing here?' Christina scolded.

'And how did you do that?' Lauren wondered.

'Oh I just thought I'd drop in.' Stephanie said.

'We went through this last time Aunt Steph, tell us the truth right now, or get out.' Katherine said firmly.

'You obviously destroyed the ring and got your power back.' Dani said.

'I did destroy it. But I didn't get my power back. It's a similar power, which is why my landings are a little rough.'

'A little?' Lauren said sarcastically.

'So what? You came here to gloat?' Christina asked.

'No. I have a problem.' She said.

'At least you're admitting it this time.' Lauren said.

'Most of the powers from the ring evaporated back up to the Supremes.' Stephanie told them. 'But two didn't.'

'Where did they go?' Lauren asked.

'Into a human.'

'What? Both of them!' Katherine yelled.

'I know, I know.' Stephanie put her hands out. 'It's a problem.'

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