Chapter 11: The Race

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'Come on, Pippy, let's go!' I yelled. "I'm right behind you, (Y/N). Let's win this thing." As we ran we jumped hurdles, jumped fences, and climbed walls.

'We're almost there Pippy, we have to keep going.' Pippy was starting to drag behind and Riolu had already overtaken us. "I don't know if I can do this, (Y/N), I need a break." 'Pippy, you can do this, I know you can!' I urged. 'Becoming a Rescuer has always been your dream! You can't give up now that we're almost there. Plus do you really want to lose to Riolu?'

"No way! Breaks are for losers! I'm already fired up! No way am I losing to Riolu!" Pippy grabbed my hand and started charging down the path, dragging me as he ran. 'Wow,' I said sarcastically 'Piplup learned Extreme Speed.'

Pippy had slowed down enough to let me run on my own as we reached the next checkpoint. "Look I can see Riolu and Bidoof ahead," Pippy said pointing to our rivals. 'We do have a chance of winning this thing after all.'

My hope plummeted as I saw the next obstacle. It was a pool of water. My Charmander instincts took over and I started panicking. Riolu looked over at us at the same moment and scowled. "Looks like Loser1 and Loser2 have finally caught up. Alright, Bidoof, do your thing!" Riolu chucked Bidoof into the water and grabbed onto his back. "You better swim fast, or you'll be the newest ingredient in my Pokestew." Bidoof shuddered and started to swim.

"We can't let them win! (Y/N), grab onto my back and let's go!" 'I... I can't.' I stuttered. 'What if my tail gets wet... I might die. I don't want to die.' I started to hyperventilate. "Calm down," Pippy said gently. "I'll look for a piece of wood and you can ride on that."

Pippy grabbed a piece of wood and I jumped on hold my tail close to my chest. Pippy pushed from behind. Bidoof, who had been taking a while to pull Riolu, was just in front of us. Riolu began to kick his legs to help Bidoof swim, while I used a piece of driftwood as an ore.

We both hit land at the same time. Bidoof collapse of exhaustion, while Riolu, Pippy, and I raced to the Pokedoll platform, placing our team dolls down at the same time. Zeraora appeared from behind a bush and walked toward us. "Very impressive. It looks like we have a tie. It appears we will have to move on to the bonus challenge, a Pokemon Battle. Choose a member of your team to fight."

"I will fight for my team," Riolu said stepping forward. "I will fight for our team," Pippy said stepping forward. 'Wait. Pippy, let me fight.' "Why?" Pippy asked confused. 'The last battle I wasn't able to protect you. Now I'm able to fight. I don't want you getting hurt, you're my best friend.' Pippy smiled then nodded. "Alright, if that's what you want, best friend."

I stepped forward and glared at Riolu, he did the same. "You're going down, Loser. You can't even use any moves. You're just a cowering baby." 'I'm a different Pokemon than the one you used to know. Now I'm fighting for a cause.' 'A cause of protecting my best friend and fulfilling my destiny," I thought.

Hello, I'm back. Happy Summer, everyone. I might not be able to update for a while but I'll still try. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Bye!!!


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