Chapter 4: WHAT!?

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'Alright, this is my time to attack while he's flinching,' I thought. 'Now what moves can a Charmander use again? It is a Fire-type, so I bet it can use Flamethrower!' 'Flamethrower!' I yelled as I started to build the fire up inside of me. I opened my mouth and waited for the flames to come out.

They never did. Instead, little puffs of smoke came out of my mouth. The smoke was way to small and separated even to be a Smoke Screen. 'What just happened?' I asked. "Haha! You got me for a second there, acting so tough even when you can't even attack! What kind of Pokemon can't even attack! Lame-o!"

I felt weak. I wanted to crawl up into a tiny ball and hide from everything. 'I thought maybe I could... maybe I just can't because I'm not even a real Pokemon,' I whispered defeatedly. 'Ngh, what's this?' I asked as I grabbed my head and fell to the floor. Riolu kept talking about how lame I was, but those words faded into the darkness and I was surrounded by a new world. No. A memory?

"(Y/N)! Help! Please, you've got to help me!" a voice called out in the darkness. "You're wasting your breath! (Y/N) could never help. Everyone knows, (Y/N), is such a wimp!" 'S-stop... please..." tried a voice that I realized was mine. "Nope!" "Ack! Stop! Stop!" 'Wait! Where are you taking her! Please, don't leave me Maisy! Please!' "(Y/N)! Help!"

The words faded again and I was back on the battlefield. I was crouched in front of Riolu, while he mocked me. Piplup still hurt behind me. The world was still spinning. 'I can't give up. I have to protect Piplup, unlike how I wasn't able to protect whoever this Maisy character was.' 

I jumped at Riolu and yelled 'Scratch!' which surprised him. My claws did nothing to him, because it wasn't the real move Scratch, just me pretending. Riolu lifted his paw and fired Aura Spheres at me. 

I shook off the pain and charged back at Riolu. 'Be Brave, (Y/N), be brave!' I used my fake bite and scratch attacks, doing anything I could to distract him from Piplup. My efforts were useless though. "Force Palm!" Riolu yelled obviously annoyed by me. 

I went flying and hit the ground. I don't know how much more I could take... probably not much, but I would never admit that to him. Suddenly a Bubble Beam was fired from my best friend's beak. 'I see you're up and going, but couldn't you of woke up sooner?' I joked. "Sorry, but I was having a peaceful dream. Something 100% better than this battle if that's what you want to call it," Piplup responded rolling his eyes as he grabbed my hand. "Let's get out of here before Riolu wakes up!"

'Wait, I have to do something first,' I said clawing at some mud. I walked over to the fainted Riolu and drew a silly face on him. "Ha, ok let's get out of here now alright?" 'Ok,' I said happily. After all, I had just gotten my revenge. 

We ran all the to the outskirts of a village and didn't stop until we climbed up a ladder into the safety of Piplup's house. "Welcome to my house!" Piplup announced happily. 'Wow it's so cool,' I said in my it's really is so amazing voice.

"Alright, now that we're here I have some questions." 'What?' Questions? What questions? I don't know anything. What does Pippy want to ask me? 

"First of all, did you call me Pippy?" Oh, that. It kinda just slipped out. I guess I've just been calling him that for so long in my head it just seemed so normal. 'Yeah... it just slipped out... if you don't want me to call you that I can...' My sentence was interrupted by Piplup's yelling. "I LOVE THAT NICKNAME!!!!! I ALWAYS WANTED ONE!!!!! FROM NOW ON CALL ME PIPPY!!!! please?" 'Ok, yeesh, I'll call you Pippy, just please calm down alright.'

"Thank you," Pippy said. "Now, question two, why can't you use any Pokemon moves. Even newly hatched Pokemon know a few moves, even if they're pretty useless though."

Should I tell Pippy my theory? If so he'll know that I'm a human. Yes, I think I can trust him. 'I think... I think it's cause I'm not a Pokemon... I'm... a human.' "What? You're a human... well that explains a few things like why your name is so weird, (Y/N). I did have my suspicions when you didn't introduce yourself 'Hi, Piplup! My name's Charmander!'"

'Yeah, sorry for not telling you. It's just weird you know. Waking up in a different world with no memories except your name and you're a human.' "It's ok. I understand. Let's get some sleep though. We'll probably want to skip school for a while after what happened today, Riolu being vengeful and all. How about we go to town instead tomorrow?" 'That sounds nice, Pippy.'

We curled up in our blankets and went to sleep. (I know someone is going to mention Charmander's tail is going to touch the blanket while he sleeps and burn Pippy's tree house down. I don't care. Just pretend that you sleep holding your tail or something, to keep it away from the blankets. Yada yada, back to the story haters.) Pippy understanding is so great. It's nice to have a friend that you know cares about you. Maybe it was destiny that I Pippy was the first Pokemon I met when I came here. Yes, I think it is. 

Hi, I'm back. I made this chapter longer because I haven't written in a while. Also, what do think of being powerless? In most PMD I've read the main characters are overpowered beings that don't have to struggle with there new forms. I think that in real life that a giant change like this would cause some troubles, you're in a new world with creatures you're not used to and an unfamiliar body. I don't think that a person should be able to use OP moves right off the bat. This is just my opinion. You can agree or disagree. Also, I TOLD you I was going to make my characters unique. Thanks for reading! Bye!

 Thanks for reading! Bye!

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