Chapter 1: Where Am I?

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'Nhg... where am I? What's that... It's... a light. ' "H-help."  'Who's there what do you want!?' "(Y/N), I need your help." 'My help why do you need my help?! And how do you know my name?' "(Y/N), my world is in trouble and your the only one who can save it." 'Why me? What's so special about me and no one else?'

"You are a human chosen by a prophecy from long ago. You are needed, please help." 'Alright... I guess I'll help you.' "Thank you (Y/N) I knew you were the right person the moment I met you. I'll try my best to transfer you the Pokemon World as soon as I can, hold on."

'By the way, what's your name? You know mine, but I don't know yours.' "My name is H..! Hold on. I'm losing my grip! Ack no, (Y/N)!!!" 'Wait! Don't go, I...!'

"Wake up! Wake up! Are you alright!?" 'What?' I mumbled as I shook myself awake. "Thank goodness you're awake you worried me for a second." I looked up and saw a Pokemon smiling at me.

'Wait! what! You're a Pokemon how are you talking!' I yelled, falling back while tripping over my tail. My tail? Since when did I have a tail? "What are you talking about? You're a Pokemon too." The blue Pokemon across from me asked, concernedly.

I looked around me and a shining lake caught my eye. I ran over to the shining to surface to see my reflection. A light orange Charmander, with smooth scales, and a confused expression was looking back at me. I waved my hand at the Charmander and it waved back. I shook my tail (still don't know where it came from) and it shook its tail back and its little flame flickered as to say "Hello, nice to meet you too." 'No. This can't be happening,' I thought. 'I'm a Charmander! Um... and I don't remember anything... wait that's not true... I was a human, my name is (Y/N), and... someone was calling me for help.'

"Hey, is everything alright over there?" asked the blue Pokemon. 'Yeah, I'm good... I just...' Should I tell him I'm a human? Maybe later, but now's not the time. 'I'm good I was just startled when I woke up in the middle of the forest with kinda no memory of who I am,' I said shyly wishing I hadn't added the last part.

"What! Oh, that's bad um... Hey! How about you stay with me. That would be so cool if you could! I don't have many friends and you seem like a real nice Pokemon... uh, what's your name?" The blue Pokemon questioned me. 'My name's (Y/N)," I said happily holding my out hand. "That's an odd name for a Pokemon, (Y/N), but I really like it. My name's Piplup and I'm really excited to be your friend." Piplup grabbed my hand and gave it a friendly shake.

I don't know why I'm here, but I'm going to make the most of it. Being friends with Piplup seems like a great place to start. After all, he did kinda save me. My thoughts were interrupted when Piplup let out a yelp. "I totally forgot about getting to school! Come on, (Y/N), we like really have to hurry. I forgot where I was going when I stopped to help you! Ack! Never mind, I'll help you sign up for school when we get there, (Y/N)! Come on let's GO!" Piplup yelled as he ran off pulling me along the forest path.

Maybe becoming friends wasn't such a good idea after all. Oh well, I guess I'm stuck with Piplup for a while now. I sighed as I let Piplup drag me all the way to school.

Hey! First Pokemon story ever! (for me at least). I've been wanting to make this for a while. Also, the Piplup, Charmander thing is my team in every Mystery Dungeon game. Yeah, so I hope you enjoyed! I'll try to update every week, but I'm not good with dates, so if you really want another chapter sooner you're going to have to bug me. I don't mind though. Bye!



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