Do You Better (M)

Start from the beginning

"And don't fantasize about him either!"

"Yuck jimin I love bogum i could never want him I'm just curious because I never seen him before like I know everyone here then he just popped up out of no where"

The ball flew towards tae it was going so fast he didnt know how to react jungkook jumped infront of him taking the hit

"Oh my god are you ok why did you just do that" taehyung stood up and held his face unconsciously since that's where he got hit jungkook didn't do anything he just stood there stuck staring at him as he bit lip

All he could think was delicious

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine i just couldn't let a pretty little boy like you get hurt" tae was a blushing mess now god did he just call him cute

He has lived a honorable life

"Yah! Get away from my friend you horny pervert you will not corrupt his innocent mind" jimin said pulling them both away from eachother hating the sexual tension they had

Everyone could feel it, it was really no joke

"Chill min it wasnt like t-"taehyung said turning towards him

Jungkook wrapped his arms around his waist from behind his face was a bit too close to his neck taehyung was sure that he could hear his loud heartbeat "corrupt more like amaze im not such a bad guy and I wouldnt mind showing your friend that behind closed doors"

jimin was about to beat his ass now he sat down the chips and you know what happens when he sets his food down

It means that he's more serious than ever

"Look you moronic fuck boy, listen to what I say or I'll make you regret it" jungkook glared at jimin

The gym teacher blew his whistle it was time for class to end anyway

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and let go of tae but before he could walk off he winked at him "stop staring at his ass and c'mon we have one last class before we could go to my house and get ready for Jin hyungs birthday party"

Shit he forgot all about that

"Alright you bossy midget" they both laughed and walked off but taehyung couldn't stop thinking of jungkook

He loved his scent

The feel of his skin

And his voice

He was off limits

So why did he want to break all of the rules and go past forbidden


Liquor was never a good mix with taehyung but when you and your boyfriend from five years break up shit happens

Oh i left that out didn't i lets recap what was said

"Im sorry but i cant do this taehyung i love you but lately you seem that you love someone else and this relationship is boring i want something exciting i hope we could still be friends"

Tragic isnt it when he already said that it was boring first but he was being nice sparing his feelings

"Can you just get on with the story!" Oh sorry tae anyways

Drinking was never his strongsuit he was a lightweight and he knew it but hey he was happy the boring life he had was falling apart

Hell he was a senior for fucks sakes he never did anything on the wild side and he hated that this year had to go out with a bang

"Ah the pretty boy from gym" he heard from behind him he was sitting on a bed in a random room he already had two bottles to himself he was ready to drown his sorrows in another until Jungkook walked in

He closed the door and slowly walked towards the bed a smirk planted on his face "now why is such a pretty little thing like you all alone you? If you don't mind me asking"

"All my friends are making out with their dates while I just got dumped to the curb by my weak ass ex boyfriend" jungkook pouted playfully and put his finger under his chin to make him look at him

"How about we play wouldn't that cheer you up a bit i know that i could do you better" taehyung bit his lip and nodded jungkook was the first to lean in kissing him slowly yet intensely once their lips collided it was as if he let off a fire in his veins

"Fuck you taste so sweet" taehyung shut him up and climbed into his lap kissing him hungrily as the younger boys hands made their way onto his waist gripping his hips

Jungkook wanted to take his time with his body he wanted to memorize what taehyung liked and what he didnt he wanted to taste every inch of his skin hell he wanted to worship his body the right way but he was impatient he couldn't wait he already waited too long

He took off his shirt and started to kiss all over his chest sucking and teasing the older boys nipples loving the sweet taste they had taehyung could do nothing but moan and watch him jungkook looked up at him as he did it loving the faces he made

Fuck now he's ten times hornier than before

"Say my name, i want to hear my name be the only thing that comes from your lips tonight"

"J-jungkook" god why did his heart race when he heard that, why did he want nothing but to destroy the boy in his lap he wanted to ruin his body over and over again untill there was nothing left

This was dangerous

He was falling in too deep

He should've stayed away when jimin told him to

"Please give me more" that was it he pushed him onto the bed sucking and marking him all over his body his control flew out of the window already

He just wanted to tease the boy like everybody else its looks like his plan backfired terribly

"M-more please suck on me more your lips feel so good kookie" ugh he was going to be the death of him hearing his nickname come from his lips so sexually was a blessing

He did as he said taking off his pants and underwear next leaving hickeys on his thighs he then stared at him as he took all of him in his mouth slowly swallowing around him just so he could feel his throat

It was killing him

Taehyung never experienced something so mind numbing

Its like if jungkook kept going he would explode

"Its okay baby you can cum in my mouth i want to tase it" taehyung came all over his face and mouth embarrassed that he just did that all because jungkook said those dirty words like a porn star

"Now bend over so i can taste you more"

This was really going to be the one of the longest nights of his life 


Welp the image I used for this onehsot is prohibited so you won't be able to see it

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