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the footsteps drunk on the red scent

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the footsteps drunk on the red scent

it had been a day since jisoo went to the rooms. she of course didn't tell xukun, afraid they would inform hoseok.

to avoid any suspicions, jisoo continued with her routine. although it was hard not to say anything, jisoo had to avoid getting caught.

all she knew was that the letters on the keys were the initials of a name. lm could be lalisa manoban, but what did she have to do with hoseok?

jisoo had also found out that the key with the letters kj with a cross was the key to her original room, which was would explain how hoseok had entered her room.

the key with hoseok's name was a total mystery. jisoo never found out what door it opened.

she tried every door in the house and none opened with the key.

she felt like giving up.

but she felt utterly disgusted with herself.

she fell in love with a man who was a monster.


it was around five in the afternoon when an unexpected visitor came to visit jisoo.

"irene, it's a surprise to see you," jisoo smiled as she hugged her. "what are you doing here? it's wednesday."

irene gave her a small smile. "i just wanted to come and visit you. i don't usually come with my brother and his friends, so i decided to come."

"you're so sweet," jisoo commented as she led irene to the living room. "so how have you and your brother been?"

sitting down on the couch, irene replied, "we could be doing better."

"is something wrong?" jisoo asked.

irene sighed, "you see. my brother and i lost our younger sister. she was kidnapped to be more specific. funny thing is that she looked awfully like you and her name is jisoo as well."

feeling suddenly uncomfortable by the sudden news jisoo tried to quickly change the topic. "do you know how old she would be?"

"about twenty-four, she was born in january."

jisoo stiffened. that was the month of her birthday. smiling, jisoo looked at irene. "i hope you find her soon."

irene narrowed her eyes as she smiled right back at jisoo. "i think we're close to finding her."

"so, are you married?" jisoo asked, still uncomfortable.

"no, i am not into men," irene replied sternly, looking down at the carpet floor.

"sorry, i asked," jisoo apologized.

the two females stayed quiet for a few minutes. jisoo noticed how irene looked at her and asked, "is there something wrong?"

irene shook her head, "it's just that your hair looks soft. can i-can i touch it?"

jisoo didn't see what was wrong with that, so she just nodded. irene stood up and sat next to jisoo before touching her hair.

jisoo closed her eyes as she leaned into irene's touch. somehow it reminded her of someone, but she couldn't lay her finger on it.

without jisoo knowing, irene had cut a lock of hair before putting it inside a bag. irene gulped as she quickly put the bag in her purse.

standing up, irene looked around. "i should leave."

before jisoo could escort her to the door, irene had left.


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