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i fall in deeper at your sweet scent

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i fall in deeper at your sweet scent

"taehyung, why so quiet? still depressed by your younger sister's death?" hoseok questioned with a teasing tone.

taehyung kept quiet, as he continued eating. he seemed bothered and uncomfortable by the question, but he decided to keep shut.

taeyeon had finished her food, and noticed that both jisoo and jiwoo had finished. "how about jisoo, jiwoo, and i leave you, men, to talk while we go for a walk?"

hoseok's eyes widened and were about to protest when taehyung suddenly spoke up. "i don't see what's wrong with that, wouldn't you agree, hoseok?"

hoseok cleared his throat. "of course. but you will need someone to accompany you, xukun will accompany you three."

taeyeon smiled, and got up, dragging jiwoo. "let's go jichu!"

"jichu?" jisoo questioned the nickname. taeyeon then dragged jisoo out of her seat.


"so, why did you marry hoseok?" jiwoo questioned jisoo, only to get whacked by taeeyeon. "hey! is it so bad to ask why she married that ass!?"

jisoo then remembered what hoseok told her, and decided to lie. "he's very romantic and gentle."

jiwoo laughed. "i'm sorry, but are you sure we're talking about the same man?"

this caused taeyeon to whack juwoo again. "anyway," taeyeon gave jiwoo a cold glare. "how long have you known each other?"

"three years." jisoo lied before changing the topic, "so who's taehyung's younger sister?"

taeyeon sighed. "taehyung's sister was a girl named kim jennie. she was like a tiny version of taehyung. they were both fashionable, gucci lovers, and were practically twins."

"but she died at a young age, and none of the investigators could understand why she became a victim. she had no enemies, and everyone adored her. the killer was never found ever since," jiwoo continued. "but that was a year ago."

"what's worse is-" taeyeon suddenly got cut off by xukun knocking on jisoo's door.

"ms. jeon, ms. kim, the meeting is over. you must leave now."

jiwoo rolled her eyes and taeyeon sighed. taeyeon hugged jisoo. "take care." jiwoo opened the door, and left while taeyeon followed.

xukun slammed the door shut behind them, leaving jisoo puzzled. poor taehyung.

jisoo looked outside her window to see that all of them were leaving the mansion. great, back to boredom.

jisoo jumped as she felt arms wrapping themselves against her waist and someone putting their head onto her shoulder. "what did they tell you?"

jisoo immediately knew who it was. hoseok. "they told me about taehyung's younger sister."

hoseok's grip tightened on her waist. "did you ask them first?"

"y-yes. why?"

hoseok then turned her around before slapping her causing her to fall onto her bed. "i told you not to speak with them!"

"i'm sorry." jisoo whimpered as she heard the sound of him unbuckling his belt. she tried to run towards the door, but hoseok grabbed her by her hair, yanking her onto the floor.

"you're mine. i'm your master. you'll do what I say!" hosoek then lashed at jisoo with his belt.

this continued for more than half an hour; hoseok insulted jisoo while jisoo cried and screamed, begging him to stop. hoseok showed no mercy in her screams.

outside the room, the servants kept quiet. they knew this would happen.

it happened to the other three females.

xukun was horrified, he could still remember those screams.

he would have nightmares.

xukun was about to go to stop hoseok, but was stopped by ziyi. "don't even try. you'll get us all punished."

xukun sighed before going back to work.


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