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Back to Izuku in the abyss

"What should replace that was once here?" Izuku said to himself.

He thought of so many things or memories that he could take his place in the abyss so that he could escape and stop the evil side of him from wrecking havoc in the outside world.

"What damn thing could I just let stay here and drown in the abyss" He angrily shouted while bubbles came out from his mouth.

Suddenly he thought of something. What if it wasn't an object or memory that he could replace. What if it was an emotion. But the problem is that he doesn't even know how to pull up an emotion and make it take his place. Then just out of nowhere.

"You don't need to pull up or bring an emotion out just to make them take your place" a soft voice whispered.

"W~what the. Who's there". Izuku said panicking.

"Please don't panic. I'm not here to make a scene". The voice replied.

"Then could you please help get out of here. I need to help my boyfriend". Izuku shouted angrily.

"I'll help you get out of here but it is if you are willing to make that emotion stay here until you put your evil side back for good". 

"W~wait what do you mean by the word 'willing'. I don't think I'm gonna like this". 

"You see, you can't force your emotion so pop out of nowhere so you can't take control of them here. Things work differently. They must be willing to show up and help you".

"T~then how could I even make one of my emotions stay here?"

"Like I said they must be willing to help you since they reside on a much peaceful place in your mind."

"THEN HOW?! HOW CAN YOU HELP ME GET OUT HERE!!!" Izuku shouted furiously.

"I'll take your place just so you can get out of here"

"T~then that means. That means you're one of my emotions?"

"Yup. That's correct."

"Which one of my emotions are you then?"

"Well this is the problem that I was asking you if you are willing to stay here."

A faint light started to glow in front of Izuku.  A lot of bubbles appeared. The waters were flowing in different directions. Then the faint light started to burst in a very bright light but it didn't last then a pinkish version of Izuku appeared in frobnt of him.

"D~don't tell me you're.." Izuku stated.

"Yes Izuku. I am Love" He replied.

"No. I can't do this. I can't risk the only emotion that keeps me happy, the emotion that matters to me, the only emotion that keeps all my sadness stay in this kind of place".

"That was I am afraid of. See here, all of your other emotion don't want to meddle with your evil sides plans. It wasn't like this at first. we didn't even have thoughts here but everything changed when someone injected something inside you. We started to have thoughts of our own. We started to argue with each other that's why you were having trouble sleeping. That is why I am here to help you. To bring back to your normal state and bring this place back to what it used to be."

"B~but what would happen to you if I make you stay here?"

"No one knows Izuku but I have a strong feeling that things will go back to normal when you manage to bring your evil side back where he belongs."

Izuku thought of all the possibilities that could happen either if he manages to bring his evil side back here or failing to do so. He let out a sigh and stated.

"Ok. I've decided. I'll let you take my place but promise me please take care of yourself I don't want to lose even one of my emotions here"

"Got it Izuku. Do it for Miri, Do it for us. Do it for yourself" Love replied

A strong current pushed Izuku to the surface and above air and to a tunnel of light.

Back to the Izuku in the physical world

Izuku was about to give a 100% smash to Shoto when suddenly he felt a throbbing in his head.

"Arrrrrgh!!" he painfully shouted. Izuku knelt to the ground. Sweating and gasping for air.

"No this can't happen. I wont let you take control of your body again Izuku. Never!" Evil Izuku shouted

Izuku curled up on the ground screaming in excruciating pain while Shoto was just left speechless upon witnessing what was happening. Limbs were coming out of Izuku. Hands, feet, fingers and different body parts. then suddenly everything went quiet. Izuku got up of the ground and looked back at Shoto.

"Told you I won't let you take control of your body again you pathetic excuse for a human being" Evil Izuku whispered. "Now where were we Shoto"

Then just out of nowhere a punch followed by a strong gust of wind appeared...

"Smash!" a familiar voice shouted

Dust and debris were scattered in the area that blocked their vision. And when the cloud of dust disappeared. Shoto saw that Izuku was pinned to a wall and just in the corner of his eye another Izuku was there.

"Do not fear, Cause I am here" Izuku smiled.

Shoto was left confused while Mirio and Katsuki were left unconscious.

"W~which one of you is the real Izuku." Shoto stated shaking.

"I'ts me. The real me. The real Izuku" Izuku replied while.

"You idiot! We're both the real Izuku remember. I'm just the side of you which wanted to come out. The only one rightful to stay in this world". Evil Izuku shouted while brushing off dirt on his shoulders.

"B~but how could that happen. I'ts impossible to have two Izuku's at the same time. Is it by another person's quirk?"


"W~wait! Why are suddenly changing from one emotion to another?" Shoto asked.

"I think my emotions are scrambled up since I sacrificed an emotion just to get out of the abyss of my mind." Izuku replied happily.

"So you went that far to even sacrifice one of those pitiful emotions to get back here and just be sent back in just a while." Evil Izuku stated grinning.

Both Izuku's are preparing to attack. And in just a matter of second both of them jumped in the air, let out a very strong punch making both of their knuckles meet each other.

"SMASH!!!" both Izuku's shouted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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