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Izuku felt a disturbing numbness. He couldn't move. Only a dim light showed his surroundings. In the dim brightness of the room, a white flash suddenly emerges. He started to gain movement again. He then felt he was flying. And when he looked down he saw a familiar scene. It was the night that Mirio got his arm wound. He swooped down to get a closer look.

"I will purge this world of fake heroes and create a new one." Stain stated while pulling his blades from his back.

"Tell me where my father is?" Izuku shouted.

And in a blink of an eye, Stain dashed forward slashed multiple times. Luckily Izuku manage to dodge all of the attacks but one. Stain pulled a dagge from his leg pocket and threw it at Izuku, scratching his face a little. Stain picked up the dagger and licked the blood on it. Suddenly Izuku was paralized and fell to the ground.

"You should have been more careful kid." Stained grinned while slowly walking towards Izuku. "I can clearly dispose of anyone who tries to get in my way." He added.

With the adrenaline flowing through his body, even if he was paralyzed, Izuku managed to speak.

"You fiend. You kill heroes for a living. But please tell me where my father is!" Izuku stated while tears were forming in his eye.

"Ok. Just to grant your dying wish. Tell me yoir father's name."

"Hisashi Midoriya!" Izuku shouted.

"Oh. That fire breathing monkey."

Stain pulled his sword up and pointed it at the back of Izuku's next.

"Your father is.."

Stain was cut off before he could speak and pierce Izuku's neck by a punch on his side. Mirio had arrived just in time.

"Izu. Are you hurt?" Mirio asked.

"I~I cant move Miri." Izuku replied and fainted.

"Seems like your friend here want to join our little party. Well then, Let's get started." Stain shouted.

Stain swiftly slashed through Mirio but failed to touch him. Mirio countered with a strong punch. But that was not enough to put him down.

Stain thought of a plan. He jumped in the air and let the reflection of the moon on his blade hit Mirio's eye. Blinding him, making him unable to see his attacks.

Mirio quickly activated his quirk to avoid serious damage. But when he got his vision back, he saw Stain's blade inside his left shoulder and it was aimed for Izuku who was behind him.Mirio immediately deactivated his quirk in order to stop Stain's attack.

Blood scattered everywhere. Mirio was now unable to move and unconcious. His left arm was nearly cut off.

"So you think you could one of the real heroes young man. Well guess what. You're the type of people who are on my target list. And killing both of you would make this job a lot easier." Stain stated.

Stain was about to slash through both of them, the ground trembeled.

"Detroit Smash!" A voice shouted in a near distance.

A gust of strong wind pushed towards Stain sending him flying to a distance.

When Mirio woke up. They saw All Might, Recovery Girl and other Pro heroes were surrounding then. He also noticed that his left arm was healed but was still a bit painful. At the corner he saw Izuku facing his down, not even moving a budge.
Then Mirio angrily walked towards Izuku.

"Are you that stupid to risk your life!?""Don't go acting like one!"
"Are you even serious on being the hero that you want?" Mirio angrily shouted at Izuku.

Izuku was shocked and hurriedly ran away from Mirio. Mirio tried to follow him but he couldn't since he was still too weak due to Recovery Girls treatment.

Through this dream Izuku remembered the first heartbreak and sorrow he felt from Mirio. He began to feel his chest was narrowing up. He had a hard time breathing and he was about to shout.

"No!!!!!!!" Izuku shouted waking up from that horrible dream. He was soaked in sweat and Mirio was trying wake him up.

Izuku grab tight to Mirio and began to cry.

"It'z ok Izu. It was just a bad dream." Mirio uttered.

"N~no Miri. It was all real to me."

"Get yourself together now. You're safe now. I'm here."

"D~don't leave me Miri. Please don't ever leave me. No matter what I do or who I become, please stay by side."

"I promise Izu, I promise." Mirio replied. "I'll get you something to drink so you'll feel better." He added.

Izuku just nodded and Mirio went downstairs to get some water. But when Izuku was left alone, something crept in his mind like a shadow that you can't escape.

"Are you even serious on being the hero that you want? Heh. Well if I don't seem to be serious in being a hero, a villain might be a suitable face." Izuku whispered in his mind with a grin on his face.

**Next Chapter**

A/N? It seems like the serum that was injected in Izuku's bloodstream is starting to spread. Find out more in next chapter guys. Happy reading :)

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