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In a brief moment, Mirio suddenly woke up from his dream. He never even realized that he fell asleep since he drank too much already.

It was 8 am in the morning. This is the 4th day and still no sign of Izu. Mirio is in a realy bad condition of depression.

He turned on the T.V to check the news. When suddenly.

"We are broadcasting live here in New Hero Central Park, where we see a boy in a hero green costume is being held hostage by an unknown group of villains." The news reporter stated.

Quickly, Mirio put on his costume and hurriedly rushed to the park. And when he arrived. He saw a man with a lot of hands covering his body, even his face was covered with a hand. There are 5 of them. And one of them was holding Izuku as hostage.

"Listen here New Hero City, I am Shigaraki Tomura." The man shouted. "And this is the day you'll remember the League of Villains. And we will see to it that we destroy your symbol of juctice, All Might." He added

(Tomura Shigaraki. The known leader of the League of Villains. Quirk. Decay. Anything he touches with five fingers decay.)

After shouting their motives, a man with a syringe secretly injected something into Izuku's back. Making Izuku shout in excruiating pain an eventualy faint.

Mirio couldn't handle seeing he's most beloved Izuku get hurt by these people. He rushed forward. Avoiding collision with his quirk. Dashed underground and appeared behind Shigaraki. Suprising the villain, Mirio grabbed Izuku and ran off before the villains even had time to react. He left Izuku to the nearest support team to get treated and went back to deal with the villains.

Along side with the Pros who were present there. Mirio, also known as Lemillion as his hero name, managed to drive the villains back. And as the villains were retreating, Shigaraki looked back at the heroes with glaring red eyes.

"You'll be in a very great surprise" Shigaraki whispered.

*A few moments later*

Mirio rushed Izuku to a hospital to get him checked. Izuku's life force is slowly depleting. Tears were building up in his eyes as he watches the curtains cover around Izuku's bed.

"This never would've happened if I hadn't yelled at him. This is all my fault." Mirio shouted as tears began to run down his face.

After a few hours inside the emergency room, the doctors came out and gave Mirio the results.

"Well Mr.Togata, the patient is currently stable and is now concious. He has a broken right arm and minor scratches and we still can't figure out why he was left unconcious." The doctor stated. Checking the notes he listed in Izuku's result. "You can also see him now if you want." He added.

Mirio bit his lip not knowing how to feel. If he's going to be mad, happy or sad. Aside all of those feelings, he rushed near Izuku's bed, hugged him really tight and started to burst in tears.

"Don't leave me again Izuku, I am lost without. I'~im sorry I ever shouted at you. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I know it's your dream to find your dad aside from being a hero, but please don't be wreckless to tag along a notoriois villain. You"ll get hurt or even worse, I might lose you forev.." Mirio was cut off with warm kiss on the lips.

"It's ok Miri. I promise you that I will never leave you." Izuku uttered.

Izuku noticed the bandage on Mirio's arm and realized that it was his fault why Mirio got hurt. He held Mirio tighter, ignoring the pain that he is feeling and whispered.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry for making you worry. I love you Miri."

They talked for hours and hours as if they just met each other. Night fell and visitors were no longer allowed. Only one person per patient was allowed to look over. Izuku's mom already arrived and took care of all the forms at the hospital since Izuku was staying there for a week for observation.

Days passed and Mirio would do a routine to go to school and visit Izuku after class until Izuku's release. Two days after Izuku's release, he was approved to go back to school and internship the next day. But something was odd. Izuku would hear strange voices in his head before he sleeps and suddenly wake up at some part off the house.

"I swear I went upstairs last night." Izuku mumbled.

"Izuku Midoriya! How many times do I have to tell you to keep the front door locked." Inko shouted.

When suddenly a short stabbing pain hit Izuku's back.

**At League of Villains hide out**

Shigaraki is sitting in front of a television with nothing but 'Voice Only' was shown on it.

"Don't worry. We will get that kid eventually. Just give it a little more time." Shigaraki stated with a notorious smile.

**End of Chapter**

What was it that the League of Villains injected on Izuku?

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