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**Mirio's POV**

"It's already an hour since Izuku's class ended. Maybe I should stay a bit longer?" Mirio stated.

"Now who's this Izuku that you're talking about Mirio?" Tamaki uttered

(Tamaki Amajiki. Mirio's classmate and bestfriend. Shy but not to Mirio. Quirk. Manifest. Using his body, he can manifest the characteristics of the things he eats.)

"Oh. He's a first year I met while I was giving tips for the intership." He replied "He's a bit shy. Just like you."

Hearing those words made Tamaki's face red all over.

"Ok. So where is he?" Tamaki asked.

"Well, he's supposed to be here an hour ago. Can't guess where he is now." Mirio replied

"It's already getting dark. I think we should head home Mirio." Tamaki uttered while stretching his back because of waiting for so long.

"Yeah. I think we should go home."

While walking downtown, Mirio was filled with questions why Izuku didn't show up.
(A/N:He was the type of person to over think if thinks didn't turn out the way he expected it)

"Maybe I pressured him too much?"

"Maybe he was in a rush to go home?"

"Maybe he went home with his classmates?"

"Why am I thinking so much of him?"

"Maybe it's because he reminds me of Tamaki? No no no."

"Why do I picture his wide green eyes all of a sudden"

"Why didn't he co..."

"Ouch!" A voice suddenly was heard when they turned in the corner of a street

"I'm sorry. Let me help you with that." Mirio uttered.

"N~no. I~It's ok. I~I wasn't watching where I was going." The voice replied

When Mirio took a look at the person he bumped in. It was Izuku picking up the notebooks the feel to the ground.

Then suddenly Katsuki appeared next to Izuku.

"Hey! Watch it! You damn smiling bastard!" Katsuki shouted

"N~no no no Kacchan. I~It was my fault for being clumsy." Izuku uttered while trying to calm Katsuki down

"Then pick your things up so we can go home already you damn nerd."

"Y~yes" Izuku replied

Just before Izuku and Katsuki left. Mirio grabbed Izuku's arm.

"Hmmm. Before yoy leave, can I have your phone number? I have a lot questions to ask you today." Mirio uttered

"S~sure. It's 0******2304."

"Thanks a lot. I'll text you later, ok." Mirio shouted as he views Izuku and Katsuki walking the opposite way.

**Izuku's POV**

Izuku and Katsuki were already near Katsuki's

"Hey mom! I brought Deku home for dinner since his mom's not home and nobody would cook fo this dumbass" Katsuki shouted.

"Katsuki Bakugo! Is that the proper way to treat your visitor?!" Katsuki's mom replied

"Yeah yeah. I'll just get dressed for dinner." Katsuki stated while taking of his coat. "How bout you nerd? Wanna change your clothes?"

"N~no I'm fine." Izuku replied

A few minutes later. Katsuki threw a pair of clothes at Izuku.

"Here. Get dressed." Katsuki uttered

"D~didn't I tell you, I'm fi..."

"Get dressed you damn nerd. I don't want someone sitting at the dinning table wearing a fcking school uniform during dinner!" Katsuki angrily replied.

"N~no no no. Please don't hurt me!" Izuku frightnedly shouted.

"Hurry up or I'll blow you to a million pieces!"

"Katsuki, dinner's ready" said Katsuki's mom.

At the dinner table.

"So, how's your arm?" Katsuki's mom asked.

"O~oh it's healing pretty good. Thanks to Recovery Girl's quirk." Izuku replied while trying to pcik his food up.

(He can barely use his arms, since it still hurts when he clenches his fingers a bit.)

"Well that's great. Eat more so you can heal faster." She replied while handing Izuku a bowl of Katsudon. "I remember when Katsuki first broke his arm. He climbed a tree to get his kite that was stuck then he slipped on a branch, breaking his left arm. By the way. How did tou break your's?"

(A/N: Katsuki's mom talks too much.)

Izuku just starred at his food and was filled with silence since he can't tell anyone how he broke his arms.

"Well it's ok if you can't tell us. Just eat up. I still have desserts in the fridge." Katsuki's mom added.

After dinner Izuki packed his things up so he can go home and decide where he will go for the internship. Then suddenly he remembered Mirio was supposed to text him a while ago.

When Izuku picked his phone from his pocket, he noticed that there were 20 messages and 3 missed calls.

"Seems like Mirio is realy serious about these question." Izuku uttered in his head. " M~mrs. Bakugo, thank you for dinner. I'm gonna go home now. A~and thank you also Ka~kacchan" Izuku added.

"Beat it! You dumbass" Katsuki yelled.

Izuku rushed home. Picked his phone up and replied to Mirio's text.

(A/N: I'll be marking Mirio's reply with this *.)
"I'm sorry for the late reply Mirio senpai. I was occupied the moment you were calling.

After minutes of waiting

(Phone vibrates)

*"That's fine. So I wanted to ask you. Why didn't you come to the place I asked you to meet me?"

Izuku let out a big gulp and replied

"Oh. Im sorry for leaving you on the spot. I had to go with Kacchan since my mom was not home so I can have dinner at his house."

*"So your houses are near each other?"

"Well that seems to be it, since his house is only a block away."

Hours passed by, Mirio and Izuku already talked about a lot of stuff in their messages. Like what was Izuku's favorite food. His favorite super hero ( which is All Might.). Why did he eant to become a super cool hero and other stuff.

"Good thing we dont have class tomorrow" Izuku texted.

*"Yeah. But still I have to go to my intership on Saturdays."

"Oh yeah. Where are you doing your intership at the moment?"

*"I'll tell you in one condition. I need you to answer my question."

"I've already answered a lot of questions from you and that's still not enough. So what is it?"

*"Ok, so how did you manage to damage your arms like that?"

Izuku turned pale and weak when he read the message. If he tells him the reason why. He might get expelled from UA if they knew the real reason why he broke his arms. Izuku just barely managed to make up an explaination to Recovery Girl just to heal him.


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