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Deep silence filled Izuku's room while trying to think an explanation for Mirio's question.

(A/N: Mirio's messages are still marked with *.)

"What should I tell him?" Izuku whispered.


**Phone vibrates**

*"Your arms are seriously hurt. Don't go telling me that you fell down a tree or something."

"Well, it's kinda hard to explain this. I'll tell you what happened if you promise me to keep it secret. Ok?"

*"Sure Izuku. You can trust me with this."

"My dad was an under cover superhero in the near district. He was following a villain named Stain, the hero killer. After months of tagging along him, my dad accidentaly blew his cover up when Stain tried to attack the middle school I was going to. Since then I never heard from my dad again. So after I finished middle school, I pursued becoming a hero and studied everything about Stain until last week. I a did what my dad did. I tagged along him and acciddentaly had a confrontation with him. He managed to wound both my arms and paralizing me with his quirk until out of nowhere someone came in and swept me out of the situation. I fainted and I woke up in Recovery Girl's office."

*"Woah! That was pretty long. I never expected that to happen. By the way Recovery Girl would only heal you if you tell her how you got injured. What did you tell her?"

"I told her I saved a kid that was going to be run down by a truck and ended up being the one hit by it."

*"And she believed you?"

"Yup. She did."

*"Ok. I'm keeping this a secret as promised, and don't forget to hang out with me on Sunday. OK!"

"Sure I will."

*"It's getting kinda late. I think we should get some sleep."

"Yeah, I think you're right. Goodnight Mirio."

*"Goodnight Izuku."

**Mirio's POV**

"Something seems odd." Mirio whisphered
"I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach."

Little did he know that he's curiosity with Izuku is starting to change to an unknown feeling towards him.

"Maybe this is just all in my head. I just need some shut eye". He mumbled.

**The next day**

"Mirio, I have a favor for you today." Nighteye uttered.

(Nighteye. He was the former side kick of Allmight and he's Mirio's boss in the internship. Quirk. Foresight. He has the ability to see the future of anyone he touches. He can only see and hour advance.)

"Sure Boss, so how can I help you?" Mirio replied.

"I need another intern student from UA. If you happen to know one, bring him here."

"Got it Boss, I've got the right one for this."

*During his lunch break*

Mirio picks up his phone and texted Izuku if he wanted to go to the same internship office that he's going.

*"Hey Izuku. Are you busy today?"

"Not at all. I've just finished watching an old film of All Might. Why?"

*"I was wondering if you would wan't to go to the same internship office that im going."

"Realy senpai? I will. You just saved me a lot of time since I can't decide what office I'm going to."

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