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The alarm rang at 6:30 am. Izuku woke up and got out of bed. His head hurts since he was still spacing out even when he was at home. His mom didn't notice it because Izuku went straight to his room when he got home. He looked at the calendar next to his door. He noticed it was July 15, it was his and Mirio's birthday. He almost forgot about this day due to all the things that happened these past months.

When suddenly, three knocks were heard in his bedroom door.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday my Izuku. Happy birthday to you." Mirio sang happily.

"Aww. You shouldn't have." Izuku mumbled.

"It's our birthday today and I think we need to make it special."

"So. Where are we heading off today?" Izuku asked.

"Well, My parents aren't home today. I think it would be great to spend the day together at my place." Mirio replied.

"R~realy Miri?"

"Yup. So get dressed and we have a long day ahead of us Izu."

"Ok. I'll be ready in a minute."

Izuku got dressed and went down stairs. He asked permission from his mom if he could spend the night at Mirio's house. And luckily she approved. They rode a bus and only a few minutes they where there since Mirio's house was in the zone of the city. They picked up their bags and went inside. They felt kinda hungry and started to cook. As always, Mirio cooked Izuku's favorite Katsudon.

"Hey Miri. What do you want to do after we eat?" Izuki asked.

"Well, I want to take swim in the pool at the backyard. How bout you?"

"Y~you have a pool in the backyard?" Izuku shouted in shock.

"Yup. It was just built there last week. So wanna take a dip?"

"Of course Miri. I'd love to."

"Well then, finish that up and I'll just clean the dishes."

Izuku gobbled up hia food and helped Mirio with the dishes. After cleaning the dishes, Izuku rushed to the pool not even changing the clothes he was wearing. Then Izuku noticed.

"I've been spacing out a lot lately but when I'm with Miri, im just fine and normal." He asked himself.

"Hey Izu. Where are you?" Mirio shouted.

"I'm over here Mir..." Izuku was cut off from what he saw.

Mirio was wearing tight swimming trunks, exposing the whole figure of his body. Izuku blushed and looked away.

"Y~you look great Miri." Izuku mumbled.

"Well you looked soaked with your clothes on Izu. Here I brought you some swim wear."

Mirio brought a swimming trunk that perfectly fitted Izuku. Izuku put on the trunks and shyly showed himself to Mirio since the swimming trunk was also exposing Izuku's perfectly built body.

"I~isn' this kinda embarassing Miri?" Izuki mumbled.

"No. Not at all. We're the only ones here. So I'm the only one seeing handsome little boyfriend."

"S~stop it. I'm getting more embarassed."

Izuku hurriedly jumped into the pool and swam to Mirio. They played a lot. Splashed water, chased each other and even competed on how long they can hold their breathe under water.

Mirio carried Izuku and pinned him down at the edge of the pool. He gave him a kiss and deeply looked into Izuku's eye.

"Happy birthday Izu. I love you." Mirio whispered into Izuku's ears.

"Happy birthday too Miri, I love you too." Izuki replied with a peck on the cheek.

They got out of the pool since it's getting dark already. They went inside and ate dinner. After dinner they sat on couch in the living room. Izuku turned on the television and luckily saw an All Might movie. They cuddled each other until the movie was finished. It was still to early for them to sleep so Izuku thought of something.

"Hey Miri. I wanna do something tonight." Izuku stated.

"What is it Izu?"

"Well I was thinking, since I'm 16 now and its our birthday, maybe we should get a drink?" Izuku mumbled.

"Oh sure. I'll get some juicd ready for you."

"No no. Not that kind of drink. I was thinking that we should drink somd beer tonight. I saw a few bottles in the fridge a while ago."

"Are you sure about this Izu?"

"Yup. I'm a hundred percent sure Miri."

"Ok just stay there and I'll get some. Ok."

Mirio grabbed six bottle of beers. 4 for him and 2 for Izuku since it's his first time drinking. Izuku opened his bottle and starred at the bottles opening. After a few seconds, he chugged it all up. Mirio was just astonished seeing Izuku drink it all up in just a matter of seconds. And as expected he also drank the next bottle up just as quick.

Izuku felt an odd sensation in his head. For him the rooms was spinning around. And then he fell down. Mirio carried him up and told him to stop drinking anymore. Since he can't handle it yet. So they decided to go to bed. Mirio changed Izuku's clothes since Izuku was knocked out cold. He layed him in his bed. Then just out of nowhere, Izuku grabbed Mirio's shirt.

"Do you love me Miri?" Izuku stated in a slurred manner.

"Of course Izu. I love you so much." Mirio replied.

"Then kiss me."Izuku demanded.Mirio kissed Izuku on the forehead. "No. Not there Miri. Kiss me on the lips."

Mirio kissed Izuku on the lips and Izuku struggled realy hard to fight back. Their tongue slipping into each others tongue. Only a gasp of air would seperate their lips from each other.

Izuku's hand startes to roam around Mirio's body. He felt every inch of muscle that Mirio had. And when Izuku was about to touch Mirio's member.

"Izu. Something's different about you? Are you sure you want to do this?" Mirio asked.

"Yes Miri. Give it to me as birthday gift please." Izuku begged.

Mirio took off his clothes and also unbottoned Izuku's pajamas. Izuku stroked Mirio's member so hard that it made him moan.

"Miri. Can I lick it?" Izuku asked.

"W~wait Izu. I'm sure if tou ready for... Ugh!"

Mirio was cut off when Izuku suddenly inserted his member inside his mouth. He was left gasping for air. Feeling the warmth of Izuku's mouth for the first time.

"S~stop it Izu. I'm gonna, I'm gonna..Ahhh." Mirio shouted as his member excretes white substance into Izuku's mouth. "I~im sorry. I couldn't control it." He added.

"No. It's fine Miri." Izuku replied.

"Could you please lay down on your back Izu."

Izuku lied down on his back then unexpectedly. Mirio inserted Izuku's member inside his mouth. With every push and pull that Mirio made also made Izuku's hips to push harder and harder. Then in just a few moments, Izuku's member also excreted white substance.

"It would be unfair if I was the only one to experience pleasure." Mirio whispered into Izuku's ear.

"I love you Miri." Izuku replied gasping for air.

"I love you to Izu. Let's get cleaned so we can go to bed. Ok."

They cleaned their body up, changed their clothes, brushed their teeth and went to bed. Izuku fell asleep already since he was so tired and while he was sleeping, Mirio starred and his face having one question on his mind.

"Somethings different about you Izu. I can feel it."

**Next Chapter**

A/N: Well, that was Mirio's gift to Izuku on his birthday. It was mg first time writing that scene. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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