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A quiet and ruined city suddenly changed how everyone looked upon Izuku. Close friends denied that they know him, trying to avoid any connection between him and them. Teacher's made violent reactions on how a peaceful and shy student suddenly became a mass weapon of destruction. Even his neighbors thought of him as an outcast. No one ever saw Izuku the same except for Shoto, Katsuki and Mirio.

The three asked anyone who seemed to know where Izuku's where abouts would be.

"Hey mister, have you seen a boy about this tall with green dark hair and green eyes." Mirio asked

"I'm afraid I haven't seen him." The man replied.

Shoto and Katsuki both got the same reply with the other people they met.

All hope seems to be lost when suddenly a dark rift from the sky appeared above the city. The three boys knew that this has something to do with Izuku. They felt it in their guts that to where this rift goes is surely where Izuku is.

The rift suddenly opened and to their surprise, a boy with dark green hair and green eyes wearing a full black suit and white gloves suddenly emerged from the rift.

They ran as quickly as they can since they that it was Izuku who came out of that rift.

"Izuku!! I'm over here. We'll explain to everyone what's happening. Come back to us! Please!" Mirio shouted while running.

"You damn nerd better have a better reason for doing this cause if you don't I'll fcking make you face explode!" Katsuki yelled.

"Midoriya. Please think carefully of your actions." Shoto stated.

And with just a blink of an eye, a strong gust of wind occured and the three boys were sent flying in different directions.

"Are you guys ok?" Mirio asked while phasing through a car that was blown away by the gust.

"Don't worry about me you bastard. Help me get this fcking log off my foot!" Katsuki yelled.

Shoto was knocked unconscious so Mirio went to put him in a safer olace before helping Katsuki.

While Mirio was lifting the log off of Katsuki's foot, slow and gentle foot steps were nearing both of them.

"You really are one stubborn guy. Aren't you." Said the voice that was slowly near both of them.

"I beg you Izuku please stoo this nonsense." Mirio shouted while holding back some tears.

"Why would I stop? This was clearly what I was meant to be" the voice replied.

Right before Mirio was able to turn and look behind, a strong punch went straight to his face almost destroying his jaw.

"I wasn't even good enough as a hero but I'm a villain now, it seems that being bad was the only thing that I am good at." Izuku stated while looking down on Mirio who's laid on the ground.

All of a sudden, Katsuki let out an explosion so that he coukd fly his way to Izuku.

"You better snap out of it you fcking ne--." Katsuki yelled but was cut off when Izuku quickly punched him in his abdomen.

"You know Kacchan, you should keep the mouth of yours shut. It might kill you." Izuku stated.

"Izuku why are you doing this? Don't you love me anymore? What do you want me to do? Just come back to me please." Mirio pleaded.

"You know Mirio, the only thing that keeps me entertained is the agony and chaos that I see in people. And the one thing that I want you to do... is scream." Izuku stated while having an evil look on his face.

Izuku then jumped back to Mirio and threw a full forced Smash that knocked Mirio unconcious.

"Never thought that you wouldn't scream my dear." Izuku whispered.

Out of nowhere, shards of ice appeard and encased Izuku's right arm and leg. It was Shoto. He regauned consciousness.

"HQ, thia is Shoto. I have the villain at my sight" Shoto whispered on the radio that was inside his collar.

"Roger that. We'll be sending back up immediately." The man on the radio replied.

Without Shoto noticing Izuku broke free from his ice and jumped in front him grabbing him in the neck.

" Hey Shoto. I haven't heard you scream yet." Izuku stated while having a grin on his face.

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