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Slowly sinking into the bottom of nowhere, Izuku curled up in the ball thinking what could be happening outside. He only had one person on his mind, and it was Mirio. Suddenly a painful feeling began in his arms.

"Ahhh! It hurts." Izuku screamed while bubbles came out of his mouth.

Blood came out of his hands and pain was felt all over his body. It seems that everything that was happening outside would affect him even if he was trapped in his own mind.

Izuku began to cry feeling helpless and alone.

"So this is what useless realy means." He whispered.

***In a nearby hospital.

"Get him on a stretcher now!" A nurse shouted.

"Hold this and stop the bleeding."

"IVs needed in the emergency room. Hurry!"

Chaos was spread in the whole hospital since more and more patients were coming in due to Izuku's rampage.

While on one corner Mirio was sitting alone. Looking blankly on the floor thinking.

"Why would Izuku do this?" He whispered. "He would never do such a thing. He wouldn't want innocent people getting hurt especialy by his own hands." He added.

A mysterious tap on the shoulder snapped Mirio from his thoughts.

"Im sorry if I startled you but may I ask a few things about Izuku?" The voice stated.

It was Todoroki, Izuku's former crush.

(Shoto Todoroki. Quirk Half cold, Half hot. He can freeze anything with his right body and he can incinirate with his left.)

While on the other hand... A sudden punch came out of nowhere and hit Mirio's face.

"What have you done with Deku you fcking smiled ass whimp!" Katsuki shouted.

"Cut it out Katsuki. We're not here to beat the living hero out of him. We just want some information about Izuku." Todoroki calmly stated.

"Just got lucky, you fcking bastard."
Katsuki just stood behind the curtains of a random patient waiting for Todoroki to finish getting some information.

"I don't know what happened to Izuku." Mirio shouted in a panic matter. "We just celebrated his birthday at my place then after that I escorted him home, I don't fcking know why he's doing this!" He added.

"Calm down Mirio. I know it may be hard for you but we are trying our best to helo save Izuku from what is happening to him right now. We all know he's not that type of person" Todoroki uttered.

Mirio calmed himself down and started to recall all the strange things that happened to Izuku.

"Strange things started to happen after Izuku's encounter with the League of Villains. He started spacing out. Everytime I would talk to him, it feels like he always gets startled as if he was in a deep trans." Mirio stated.

"Do you happen to see any marks on Izuku's body?" Todoroki asked.

"No. But I can recall that Izuku was in so much pain when he was rushed to the hospital and even the doctors couldn't find out what made him feel that way."

"Thanks Mirio. That was helpful enough. Let's go Katsuki."

"W~wait how could that be even of any help?" Mirio asked.

"I overheard my father talking about a newly developed drug that can bring out the evil side of you out. It was said that it would cause excruciating pain if injected to a person and suddenly the pain would be gone overnight." Todoroki replied.

"That was the same thing that happened to Izuku. Please let me help you in saving him. I beg you."

"Hey fcking half-half bastard, I ain't got all day you know!" Katsuki shouted behind the curtains.

"Shhhhhhh!!!!" A nurse sushed.

"Sure. We could use a hand in saving our friend." Todoroki answered.

The three got out of the hospital and started heading to UA to get ready.

***Inside the League of Villains Lair

"My, Oh my Izuku. Look on what you have done to the city." Shigaraki stated.

Izuku just stared at Shigaraki as if he was not there.

Feeling insulted, Shigaraki held Izuku's neck with just four fingers to avoid activating his quirk.

"You know kid, by the time I lay 5 of my fingers on your neck, you'd be on your way to the afterlife" Shigaraki whispered in Izuku's ears.

"Why did you bring me here?" Izuku asked.

"Well it's simple." Shigaraki let go of Izuku's neck. "You are now a villain, an enemy of those who you wanted to be, and I could also use a hand in some of the plans" He added.

"I got your point. What I meant was what are you planning to do with me?"

"Just to make it short. You have the ability that can rival even All Might's power. We need you to be a symbol for chaos just as All Might is the symbol of peace and fcking justice."

"And how would ot benefit me?" Izuku asked.

"Your freedom. You can go on a rampage whenever you want. Just name the place and we'll open a portal for your entrance and exit." Shigaraki replied.

"Well that sounds interesting. Let's try it out. Send me a few meters high above the beach near the city and ready an exit portal above." Izuku requested.

"Are you insane?"

"Just do it!"

"Fine. But dont be fond of yourself trying to give out orders. I'm just showing you your benefits here."

A portal opened a few meters above the beach then suddenly Izuku came out. He clenched his fist and posed for a strong punch.

"Smash!" Izuku shouted.

Izuku punched a strong force of wind, blowing the ocean back enough to form a large tidal wave. As he went flying due to his punch another portal was ready to catch him.

A portal appeared inside the villain's lair and Izuku tumbled out of it.

"Satisfied?" Shigaraki asked.

"More than happy." Izuku replied.

Meanwhile. Inside the abyss.

"Hey wake up!" A voice was heard out of nowhere. "Wake up please. Wake up."

Izuku woke up. Still sinking deeper into the water but this time it was different. A dark cloud was slowly filling up the surrounding water.

"W~what's this!" Izuku shouted.

"It's the mist that hides your memories. Just stop moving and it won't notice you." Thre voice stated.

"O~ok. But who are you and where are you?" Izuku asked.

"I am you and you are me."

"W~where am I now?"

"You're still in the abyss."

"I~Is there a way that I can get out of here?"

"Yes. But you cannot leave here without replacing what was once there. Those are the rules here in the abyss."

"H~how?" Izuku asked.

"Well that is for me to know and for you to find out." The voice answere whike fading into the darkness of the abyss.

A/N: I am truly sorry for the long intervals of my updates. I just finished taking my midterm exams and hell yeah I miraculously passed. I thank you so much for your patience. Please enjoy reading and thr next update won't take long. Happy reading :)

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