Chapter 21

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   A few months has passed

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A few months has passed. Link and Zelda managed to graduate high school. After many sleepless nights of doing homework and make up tests, they managed to finish it all before the last day of school. It was truly a miracle.

Link was done packing up his things in his room. This was his last day living in the orphanage. He would never forget the memories he made here with everyone he grew up with.

Taking one last look around with his eyes, Link exited out of his room.

Waiting right outside the room, Aryll turned to Link with a bittersweet smile. "Will you still come to visit?"

Link couldn't help but smile. "Of course I will."

"Can I visit you sometimes in your world?"

Link nodded. "Of course. As long as you remain it to be a secret between us."

Aryll nodded eagerly. "I haven't told anyone and never will! My lips are sealed!"

"Once I take care of everything in that world, I will personally take you there."

Aryll's eyes sparkled. "I'm excited for that day to come!"

Link gently patted the top of her head, kneeling down to her level. He pulled her in for a hug. "Take care, ok?"

Aryll embraced Link back. "I will! Same to you, big brother!"

Link felt himself getting emotional, but held back the tears that were trying to come out. The crack in his voice didn't hide it too well. "See you soon..."

Saying goodbye to the rest of the people in the orphanage, Link stepped outside, seeing Zelda leaning her back against the wall. Seeing him standing there, she peeled her back from the wall. "Ready to go?"

Link nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Hand in hand, the two started walking towards an excluded area to summon a portal to the other world. Though Link will miss the place he grew up in, he knew he had to claim his birthright.


Back in the land of Hyrule, Link and Zelda were visiting Zora's Domain. Sidon was kind enough to give them diving suits and offered them to ride on his back underwater.

The underwater city of Zora's Domain was nothing like Link had ever seen before. The luminescent scenery of crystal blue was like entering a whole new world.

Many of the Zora people were happily swimming from outside of the domain. Seeing the Zora prince bringing visitors caught their attention, stopping and staring with curious eyes.

Arriving inside of Zora's Domain, they were no longer underwater. But instead, they were inside this giant air bubble. Sidon was leading the two towards the throne room where they would meet the Zora king.

In the throne room, Link was stunned by how large the Zora king was. He looked about 10 feet tall or even more. There beside him was a smaller Zora, even smaller than Sidon. It was assumed that she was the Zora princess.

The Zora king's eyes landed on Link. "You must be the missing prince my son had inform me about."

Link gulped. "Y-Yeah... That's me."

"Prince Link... My... How long has it been? It's a relief to see that you're still alive."

"I've been safe all these years thanks to Zelda."

"Princess Zelda..." The Zora king pondered. "I can't imagine what harsh trials you had to overcome all these years. I'm glad to see you're doing well now."

Zelda bowed her head. "Thank you for your concern, King Dorephan."

Sidon smiled brightly, grabbing a hold of Link's hand. "I knew you could do it! You have saved us all like I believed you would!" He started shaking Link's hand, making him jump up and down in place.

Link felt a little dizzy from Sidon's rough handshake. "Thanks for your encouraging words from before."

Sidon strucked a pose while smiling brightly. "Anything for a friend!"

"So, Prince Link..." King Dorephan spoke up. "Are you finally going to reclaim your rightful place as prince- No... As king?"

It was a huge responsibility that Link had to take. But he knew he wasn't going to do it alone. Looking towards Zelda, he felt at ease. "With a queen by my side, I'll be just fine."

Zelda started to blush. "We aren't even married yet..."

Link started to laugh. "I know! I know! But we will eventually in the near future."

The Zora king let out a majestic laugh. "It's such a sight to see! Witnessing the first ever Hyrule and Lorule royal couple! In all my years, I have never seen anything like this! This will change the course of history!"

Link wrapped his arm around Zelda's shoulders. "That's because we're no ordinary people, your majesty."

Zelda couldn't agree more. "He's right."

The Zora princess stepped in, walking towards the two of them. She bowed her head to pay her respects. "I wish you two happiness. You truly are destined to be together."

Zelda smiled at the Zora princess. "Thank you, Princess Mipha."

Sidon looked the most ecstatic of all. "I look forward on the day of your wedding!"

Link snorted. "It'll still be a while, Sidon. We have to take care of both kingdoms first."

"I agree with you there! If you need any help, I'll be happy to lend you some assistance!"

Feeling happy that they were getting the Zoras' blessing, Link and Zelda smiled at one another, knowing they were about to begin a brand new chapter in their lives. Together.


Overtime, the kingdom of Hyrule and Lorule combined as one when Link and Zelda wedded. To their surprise, everyone in the land fully supported them. The people accepted them, and were eager to see what King Link and Queen Zelda had in store to make the land a better place.

Up on a balcony, Link and Zelda were waving to a crowd of people who were staring up with cheerful faces.

Working tirelessly to restore the land, the new king and queen of Hyrule/Lorule gave the people hope. Raised morale. Easing everyone into a new era.

Both wearing regal clothing, Link pulled Zelda close to him. Surprised to see Link acting so bold in public, she swore internally that she will always remain by his side and protect him. Just like how he has done the same for her.

The two shared a loving kiss underneath the bright blue sky. Plum blossom petals flew passed them, almost like the land was giving them its blessing.

Their past may have been a bumpy one, but their love shaped their future of eternal happiness. They knew from then on, they would never face their hardships alone.

The End

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