Chapter 18

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   Zelda slowly got up, her face showed no emotion

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Zelda slowly got up, her face showed no emotion. She held the sword that stabbed her, the blade aiming towards Link. Her dark hair covered her face. It was like a living nightmare of the grudge.

Link couldn't believe it. The girl he loves was unrecognizable.

Shaking where he stood, Link took a step back. Zelda's face seemed like she could unleash hell in a second. "W-What have you done to her..?"

"What are you talking about?" Ganondorf asked matter-of-factly. "This is her true form. Her name isn't truly Zelda. It's Hilda."

"You're lying!" Link snapped. "You're just trying to get to me! This isn't her! You just used your dark magic on her!"

"Perhaps you're not as stupid as I thought." Ganondorf responded. "But I'm not lying about her name. Her birth name really is Hilda. She just abandoned that name, and took on a new name and identity."

Link swallowed hard. All the times when she said she couldn't tell him about herself, he finally understood why. He felt bad for ever asking, feeling guilty that he even asked such an insensitive question. She wanted to run away from this horrible life. From her father, the king of Lorule.

Ganondorf chuckled under his breath. "My precious Hilda. I order you to kill him and rip his heart from his chest."

Zelda, also known as Hilda, stared through Link with her crimson eyes. "Yes, father..."

Link was on his own now. He looked over towards Aryll who was still passed out behind bars. And Zelda... He couldn't recognize her with her new appearance, but he knew it was still her. She wouldn't really kill him... Would she?

Hilda started charging straight for Link, showing no sign of resisting. As much as Link didn't want to fight her, he had to. With the short amount of time he had to learn, he had to fight back.

Taking off the shield from his back, Link put it on his arm, guarding himself on the front. The sword in his hand began to have a golden glow around it, much to Link's confusion. But there was no time to focus on that now. He had to snap Zelda out of it.

Hilda jumped midway in the air, charging the blade straight for Link's chest. Link managed to defend himself with the shield in the nick of time. Her force was weighing him down, but he wasn't going to give up.

Using a lot of his strength, Link managed to push the blade off of the shield. He was about to go in the offense. He swung his sword towards Hilda who managed to dodge his attack by ducking under.

While swooping under, Hilda aimed towards one of Link's blind spots. Seeing that he couldn't defend himself with the shield this time, he jumped back. The blade ended up uppercutting his shoulder blade, his blood splashed on the floor.

Wincing in pain, Link held his injury down on instinct. Lifting his hand off his shoulder, his entire hand was painted red. He noticed Hilda coming straight towards him, thrusting the sword at him.

Unforeseen Birthright - A Legend of Zelda FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin