Chapter 16

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* Chapter 16: For No One *

One month.

It had been exactly one month since I last spoke to Paul.

I was going to Italy, for business off course, a record company had a, solo group I believe, going on a world tour and their first stop would be Italy, so naturally I was needed.

Ever since my whole problem with Paul I drove myself into work. Occasionally some students of mine, when I accepted the private lessons, would ask 'Are you Paul's lover?' and I would reply with what seemed to silence them all.


Sadie, who was now officially with Daniel, other known as raccoon boy (named by Sadie for the bags under his eyes after a Hard Day's Night) and she helped me pack since the record company was kind enough to pay me an extra week before the tour started so I could get to know the soloist.

"So what if the band is his band?" Sadie asked quizzically. I shrugged, "I think they said it was just one person not a band." I spoke quickly and quietly. She sighed, "It could be him.. You ne-"

"Let's stop talking about him."

Sadie nodded sadly and left, "I'm gonna make some lunch, want any?" I nodded and thanked her.

My packing was finished and I went to the kitchen where she prepared sandwiches, "I did the best I could." She chuckled. Not a talented cook, but she did make excellent sandwiches.

We ate and Daniel came over. Of course it would be rude if I stayed with them while they spent time practicing and doing what lovers would do. Especially with my big failure to keep a man..

So, I did want any logical person would do, I gave them space. I needed to clear my mind and took my black coat then walked out.

I sighed and looked down throughout Liverpool, I noticed mothers holding their child's hand when they crossed the street, men walking to pubs after a long day of work. Some waved, others whistled at me. I simply smiled at all of them and kept my feet moving.

"Elizabeth?" I heard a voice call. I turned and smiled sadly, "Oh hello, Richard." The blue eyed boy who insisted that I called him by his real name smiled widely and hugged me quickly. "How are you?" He asked. I shrugged, "I have my days. How about yourself?" Richard smiled again, "It's been good, we're going on some world tour soon." I looked at him shocked, "Really? So am I. But only as a translator for the artist. I think he's a solo act."

The boy nodded and chuckled, "Interesting. Hope you have fun. So have you.. Have you talked to Paul?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, why?" He groaned, "He's been writing songs alright. Something about sad love songs, we might release it soon, it's called 'Yesterday'. He mopes around, clutching his bass or John's guitar. Disturbing, really. Once, George heard him moan your name out, and not a good moan at that. The poor boy's been weeping and moaning around."

I bite down on my lip. "I'm not saying you should speak to him but it would be nice." He chuckled awkwardly, pulling out a cigar and lighting it. I nodded, "I'm leaving tomorrow and I don't think I can see him. Maybe he'll get over this blue spell he's got?"

Richard only shrugged, "I hope so, I just think you two should see each other at least."

Suddenly a girl shrieked behind us, "Ringo Starr!" Suddenly a storm of girls ran towards us. "Gotta run! See ya!" Richard shouted as he began to bolt away. I hid in an alley so I didn't get questioned or trampled over.

Walking home. Hopefully, Sadie and Daniel we're done with whatever they decided on doing. The sun was now setting, the streets beginning to empty.

I put the key through the door and walked inside. "I'm back!" I shouted just incase. They smiled (Both fully clothed.) and greeted me. "How was your walk?" Sadie asked. "It was good." I smiled weakly so she wouldn't question me. I faked a yawn and headed upstairs to my room.

Eight o' clock.

My flight left early tomorrow so I set my alarm and left my clothes out. They said that I would be flying with the singer so I decided to look nice. I set out my makeup, and towel in the bathroom.

I quickly got dressed for bed and slept.

Sleep was interesting, it allows the mind to open to each dimension and depth of the mind. Whether we wanted to be exposed in certain aspects or not.

For the past nights, my dreams consisted of Paul, still loving me. I missed him. His kisses, his lips, his eyes. Even down to that bad habit of chewing on his thumb. I missed all his little flaws and I couldn't live without them. I missed him. I wanted him gone.

But I wanted him to stay.

I loved James Paul McCartney and I was ashamed of it.

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