Chapter 11

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* Chapter 11: This Boy *

I walked up to the door and unknowingly let my fingers trace up on it's wood. I reached for the door knob and opened it. Paul frowned, "What is it?"

I shook my head, "Nothing, let's just go?" I smiled shyly. Paul looked at me and nodded unsurely. We walked to the car, got in and sat. I chuckled nervously, "Are you going to drive?" He shook his head before facing me.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong? Did I seem too forward?" He bit down on his plump lower lip, his puppy eyes looking into mine. "It's just that I'm nervous." I admitted. "About?" I looked down, "Us. I'm not sure how long it's going to last. And I.." I noticed Paul look at me nervously then nothing. His lips crashed against mine. I gave in easily and kissed him back. "Elizabeth, nothing will tear me apart. I don't want to see you like this. Okay? I just want you to be happy." Paul spoke.

I blushed crimson and nodded. He smiled and kissed my cheek, "If you want, we can just cancel the bet for you." I shook my head, "Two can play at that game."

He only chuckled and nodded, "That's one way to put it. Now let's get going."


We drove to a popular club, not just any dance club, it was an exclusive club. Meaning, without Paul, I probably wouldn't have been able to get in.

The usher didn't let me in until Paul said I was with him. I sighed and laughed with Paul as he joked with the usher as he apologized to Paul as if it were his head on the line.

It was nice, the walls were a dark green, much like pine, and decorated with autographs of famous men and women ranging from Marilyn Monroe to Colleen Corby, and Mick Jagger to Elvis Presley. The bar was nearly a whole wall, and filled with taken stools. The dance floor with a love band playing, a newer band, The Who. They were playing covers and some original songs. Nothing too grand. They were all original.

"Oh look, it's oh what's her name.. She's in a movie I saw recently. Bridgette Bardot!" I whispered eagerly to Paul. He only nodded and chuckled, "Lovely bird, huh?" I nodded, "She's very interesting, I'll give her that. Talented too." I smiled. "Drinks?" Paul suggested. I nodded and watched him walk off to the bar.

"Hello." I heard a voice lower than Paul's say. I looked up to see a tall man with a rather large nose smirk with blue daggers for eyes. I nodded and smiled. "Are you alone?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, sorry, I'm with my boyfriend, he went to get drinks." The man shook his head, "Liar."

He stood closer until Paul came. "Sod off! I'm with her." Paul growled to the tall man. He shrugged and walked off.

"Are you alright, you looks hooked up." Paul asked. I nodded, "I'm fine. "Good, he's in a band too, but he seems to be in his own world at times." I nodded in agreement.

"Shit." Paul muttered. I turned in his direction. "James." He looked at me and nodded, "Sorry. I um, saw someone." He explained before chugging his drink and went towards the bar with me.

"Paul, are you alright?" I asked as he ordered another drink. He nodded, "I'm fine. No worries." He smiled reassuringly. I looked at him for a moment before kissing his cheek. "Alright." I took a sip from my drink, letting the alcohol loosen me up a bit.

After the drinks Paul and I walked towards the dance floor and began to dance to the music. It was fun, and absent minded dancing not really concerning where we were or who was walking towards us. A girl, red headed and pale skin like me, shoved herself in between me and Paul. I sighed.

I should've known someone one do this. Paul is a Beatle, famous. I'm a translator, not famous. People would try to do this.

I didn't see her face but Paul went pale when he did. He turned her around to introduce us.

"Elizabeth, meet Jane. Jane Asher, she's an actress." He spoke up so I could hear him.

I shook her hand but I began to think of how I knew her.

It wasn't a movie, Sadie told me about her. I thought and thought until it hit me.

That was Paul's big break up.

I knew I shouldn't say this or think this but I didn't care right now. But all I could think of was how much this girl looked like a bitch.

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