Chapter 10

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* Chapter 10: The Night Before *

I woke up in my own bed, alone. It was empty. Only me. I got concerned but quickly found a note on my bedside table. It read,

"My dearest Elizabeth,

I have gone to my house on account of what happened last night. Nothing bad happened, I just came to realize your limit on drinks and did not want to rush anything without you being sober enough to remember. When you wake up go downstairs to see a small surprise I left for you.

- Paul

PS: was the greeting formal enough for you?"

I chuckled at the last part then felt my head begin to pound. I took a shower then got dressed and braided my hair. As I was finishing up my braid, Sadie walked in.

"Lizzie, guess what?" She exclaimed which only made me cringe due to the loud noise. "What?" She asked as she noticed me, "Headache." I replied she nodded and spoke softer. "Well Paul came by and dropped off something for you I don't know what it is, he came by and strictly told me not to open it." She sighed as she continued, "It's a small box so I assume it's jewelry." I smiled softly and nodded, "Well let's go then." I said as Sadie dragged me downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen, took two aspirins then came back to see a black box with a rose. The rose was a bit too much I know, but it was still cute.

It had a little paper attached to the rose and I picked up to see another note.

" Elizabeth,

It has come to my realization that you are awake, since you are reading this. Clever, huh? Wear this tonight, I'll pick you up at 8 on the dot. Not that you'll be late.

- Paul "

I smiled and decided to look at the box, "Open already!" Sadie groaned. I laughed and opened the box to see a necklace. It was all real diamonds and emeralds. I gasped, along with Sadie. "You don't think this, Paul and I, are rushing?" I asked Sadie looking at the necklace.

"Rushing? I'd be call it rushing but this necklace isn't a ring so it's not that bad." She chuckled. I shrugged, "Lizzie, this is something different, I can agree to that but you can't rush real emotions, can you?" Sadie asked seriously.

It wasn't often for Sadie to be serious, so when she was, I knew something was up. "So you think this is it?" I blushed. She nodded and smiled. "I guess so, now we have to find a dress for you!" She exclaimed and ran upstairs to get dressed.

I sighed and carefully walked up the stairs, flowers and necklace in hand and went to my room. The necklace was something that needed to be showcased, so I borrowed Sadie's black concert dress, a slim fitted black dress with and open neck and quarter length sleeves. I slipped the dress on alone with matching flats.

Paul was tall, enough to be noticeable but he mentioned he liked much shorter girls, so I decided to not wear heels near him. I simply wore flats instead and walked to my mirror, examined myself, then walked outside with my new necklace.

I had to admit, it was beautiful. This only made me more nervous. I didn't want to be one of those girls he showers with gifts only to be left in the cold. He was showing something more that I haven't seen.

I'll admit to not being the same person I once was. Before graduating, I was like Sadie and Paul, maybe worse. I went out every night (excluding Sundays, those were my day of rest.) I would drink to an excess, I would wake up next to someone else every morning. What could I say, I was from Edinburgh, everyone liked my different accent I was a red head.

I was different. And I assume that's what made me desirable.

There's nothing special about me, I have an okay job, good pay, but I did nothing out of that. It took me a while to clean up, I'll admit to that but what can I say?

I wake up every single morning, thinking to myself, 'maybe today I'll slip.' I can't handle that. I needed someone, I needed to know that someone could change for me, like I did by myself.

I know Paul can change, it's a fact. He just needs a little push and maybe he will. I want to give myself to him. He knows that I'm here. Maybe that's why he's been so forward.. in case I leave? I'm still here.

I sighed a sigh and walked out the room. "Oh this boy only wants me until I cry." I whispered and shook my head, drowning those thoughts.

Then the door knocked. "Elizabeth? It's Paul."

It's rude if you don't answer the door. But, I didn't care.. I didn't want to open the door now. I didn't want to loose Paul, or slip like I once did..

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