Chapter 6

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* Chapter 6: Maxwell's Silver Hammer *

"Elizabeth! I'm home!" A voice shouted as my eyes fluttered open. I sat up right waking up Paul quickly. "What was that about?!" He yawned. "Is someone else there? I'm coming up stairs." Sadie called. "Hide! She'll freak if she saw you." I whispered loudly at Paul as I threw his clothes into my closet along with him. He protested but I shut the door on him.
"Lizzie, Daniel is amazing! He was such a gentleman, in and out of bed." She winked. I laughed nervously as she continued to explain to me what happened while he helped her with a movement in a piece. I glanced to the closet and suddenly we both heard the door move. Sadie turned around, "Elizabeth, did you hide someone in your closet? Who is this lucky guy?" She stood up and faced the closet. I bolted out and defended the closet, "No one is in there." She laughed, "Then don't defend it." Her arms pushed me and she opened the door. "I-It's.." She hit the floor. "See? I told you." I chuckled as Paul, now wide eyed, looked mortified at Sadie who passed out.
Paul helped her onto my bed and we waited until she woke up again. In the meantime, Paul got dressed.
"Lizzie, did I pass out?" she asked rubbing her head. I nodded, "Yeah, Paul is here and you fainted from it." I explained as I pointed at Paul who awkwardly waved. "She looked at him, "It's him. Really him. Oh my god." She exclaimed. He nodded nervously and turned to face me, "Next time, you come over to my place, I don't want your friend to faint over me." I nodded and chuckled as I turned to a now pale Sadie. "So you really like Lizzie?" She asked bluntly.
I wasn't sure if I should've been offended by that or not.
"I actually do, thank you." Paul replied reaching out to take my hand. I gladly gave it to him and he smiled.
Sadie noticed our hands and smiled, "I can't believe it. The girl who least likes the most popular band in not only Liverpool, but in the who country, gets one of the boys in it." I chuckled as she threw her hands up and laughed.
After asking questions, Sadie left us alone. Paul leaned over and kissed my forehead, "I have to go to rehearsals. Do you and your friend want to come with me?" He asked nervously. "I can come and get you ladies later, the rehearsal is in about four hours so I have to go get ready before I leave to the studio." He explained. I nodded, "I think Sadie would love to, and I'd like to see why all of Liverpool likes you all so much." He grinned, "Gear! I'll come and get you later then." He exclaimed as we both stood up and he grabbed his coat. "Bye luv, I'll see my way to the door so you have more time to get ready then." Paul said as he quickly pecked my cheek and walked to the door.
Once the door was shut, I yelled.
"Sadie! We're going to a rehearsal today! Paul invited us!" I waited for her response which was quick, "What?! Really? I have to get ready for George!" She exclaimed as she ran to her private bathroom and turned the shower on. I chuckled and walked to the bathroom and took my own shower.

(Sadie had the master bedroom, due to us playing two out of three in some cheesy game and she managed to win.)


Once I got out I walked to my room with a warm towel covering my body and walked to me closet. I pulled a pair of tan pants and a black turtle neck. I brushed my curly hair into it's place and noticed Sadie at the door.
She wore a purple top that emphasized her physique and black tight fitted pants with matching purple heels that were a bit too high to be considered modest. Her makeup was 'natural' with simple eyeliner and powder on her cheeks to cover her redness to make it seem like she didn't do anything.
"Lizzie, don't wear that. We're gonna see the Beatles!" She exclaimed picking out clothes at my closet. "W-What? It's comfortable." I explained. She shook her head "But not stylish! Here, I like this with these stockings." She handed me a bacterial print dress that was in various shades of wine colored reds and tan yellows. Which had a microscopic ruffle design that went around the bust. The long sleeves and rest of the dress were free flowing, not tight and met at mid thigh. And the stockings were a tannish color. "Oh and here are the shoes." She handed me red Mary Janes.
"Really, I'll look like a school girl!" I shouted. "So? Lots of guys like school girls." She winked as she left the room to let me get dressed. I sighed deeply and changed into the outfit. Once I was dressed, I went to my vanity mirror with my make up and put on a slight wingtip style with neutral colored eyeshadow. Then I put on pink lipgloss. "Are you done yet?" Sadie shouted from outside, "Paul rang us, he said he's on his way now!" I opened the door and to my amazement,
Sadie was quiet.
"What?" I said tugging at the dress. "You look great!" She exclaimed playing with her blonde hair. I blushed, "C'mon, I think I heard Paul's car outside." I spoke walking down the stairs. Sadie followed and we walked out to see Paul in a new suit, all black except for his ironically enough, red tie.
He smiled, "Hello Sadie, please get in." He opened the car door and she slid into the back seat. "As for you, Elizabeth," He smiled and kissed my cheek. I shook my head, he raised an eyebrow, I allowed my lips to meet his soft lips, "Kiss me hello." He smiled and felt his cheeks go red. "I'll keep it in mind, dear." He opened the door for me, and I entered in the front.
Paul ran to the drivers side and entered and drove out to the studio.

At times, it's wrong for lovers to show public displays of affection, but I didn't care. I wanted him to show me the affection.

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