Chapter 8

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* Chapter 8: I Want You (She's So Heavy) *

John walked in and Paul quickly let go of my hand. The taller auburn haired man walked up to Sadie and I, half drunk, "And who exactly are these two lovely birds. I presume this one with the red hair is for me?" He smirked as his fingers found their way to my chin.

"They're not hookers, John." Ringo pushed John's hand down. John shrugged, "I never said they were. Now your names?" He asked directing his attention towards us again. "I-I'm Sadie and this is Elizabeth." Sadie spoke up nervously touching her blonde hair. "Ah Sadie, what a lovely name, and has anyone ever told you that you looked like Brigitte Bardot?" John cooed. Sadie blushed and smiled. "I liked her, she's beautiful, Brigitte Bardot, but you are so much more." John winked. "Enough, John. We should get rehearsing." George defended. John turned to face George and groaned then turned back to us and smiled, "Sorry ladies, I guess I'll be right back. Please, do sit on the sofa and feel free to watch us." We nodded uncomfortably and did as told.

The boys ran to their positions and began to play.

The room was filled with new and familiar chords, and of course the lyrics with the loud yet harmonized 'yeah, yeah, yeah' Sadie turned to me and whispered, "Do you think John was being strange?" I nodded and focused on Paul. "I mean, like protective? Of Paul?" I nodded at Sadie's question again.

I knew it was rude to talk during a performance so nodding was the only thing I could do.

The song continued (along with the yeah's) until the final chord was strummed. The boys looked at John who mumbled and they nodded. Paul walked up to the center microphone and turned to John then mumbled which led to John nodding in approval. Sadie and I who were oblivious only giggled.

"Okay the next song we'll be singing is a cover, hope you enjoy it."

Paul winked at me after his monologue and began to strum softly on the bass as the three other boys followed that style. Soft and Smooth.

His voice rang through the room his eyebrow arched, questioning his voice but hitting the correct tone each time. I knew the song, it was in one of my vinyls. I was entranced by Paul's voice that I didn't know where I was, what I was doing, who I was with. Nothing. I only knew Paul was singing 'Till There Was You.' And his gaze met mine.

The song ended and the boys took a break. Paul walked over to me while John, George and Ringo walked around until they joined Sadie and I.

"Did you like the song?" Paul smirked. I nodded, "I didn't know you knew that song." He shrugged, "I saw it in your vinyls so I just looked for the song until George found the chords." Paul smiled and kissed my cheek.

John stiffened up and looked at Sadie, "Dear, would you like to see the studio? I can give you a tour." He smirked as Sadie looked around for permission. "I'll join you two." George intervened as he followed an annoyed John out the room with Sadie.

Ringo raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "Go with them." Paul spoke up. Ringo shook his head, "Why?" His blue eyes turned to Paul. "You're the oldest and John will still try to do things." Paul pouted with his hazel eyes. Ringo groaned and walked out.

He smiled at me and kissed me softly. "Hello, dear." He smirked as he showered me in kisses. I giggled and kissed him quickly. He grinned and held my face in his large hands and maintained the kiss. I was eager that he wanted to kiss me until his hands roamed down my neck and down my spine. I quickly pulled away, "James." I sighed, "Clean up." He groaned. "I have! I don't go out, I rarely drink, I don't go into bloody orgies!" He laughed. I kept a stern face.

There were things you could discuss and certain affairs of intimacy were not one of those. "Sorry." He mumbled as his arms wrapped around my waist. "Let's go out tonight instead? After rehearsals, we're all dressed up." He chuckled noticing my red dress. "I guess we can go out." I lightly smiled as his smirk grew into his adorable grin.

"May I have a kiss, Elizabeth?" He pursed his lip and I quickly pecked them until Paul shook his head, "Elizabeth, if you're my bird please know that you don't have to be so clean around me." he spoke as his lips found their way to my neck and earlobe before whispering, "I already know the things you do in bed. Remember, love? I know how you bend over, spread your legs, and curl your toes when you get close. If you tell me to clean up, I'll tell you to get dirty." I felt his smirk press against my neck and my body shiver at his sensual words.

I had never heard anyone, in my entire life speak that way, let alone to me. I wasn't sure if I were excited or terrified.

I knew what I felt as soon as Paul's hand found my thigh.

"Paul," I bit down on my lip as I turned to the door wondering if anyone was going to catch us. He noticed and took my to another practice room.

Paul turned the light switch on and locked the door before facing me. "Elizabeth, I have a proposition for you." He smirked as he placed me on a shelf and opened my legs so he could be between them.

I raised an eyebrow and allowed him to continue, "I will clean up for you, if, and only if, you will loosen up and be a little bit- what's the word- dirtier for me." He cocked his face up as I thought.

I smirked as I knew where this was going. My arms found their way around his neck as I spoke softly, "Like you said, you already knew how I spread my legs, bend over, and even curl my toes. Why would you want to see it again?"

His cheeks were tinted pink,

"It's intoxicating, the aroma of your sweat, the sound of your voice calling my name, the sight of you biting your lip and curling your toes and knowing that I'm the reason for all those things. It's intoxicating seeing you in here, right now with this dim lighting, with me in between your legs, your sweet perfume masking with my cologne.. It's intoxicating. You're intoxicating to me."

I bit my lip at his word and kissed him. "I agree to your rules, and to prove it, do something now." I begged as his grin formed.

"Well this isn't classy, is it? I guess you'll have to wait dear." Paul spoke as he turned around and opened the door to see George and Ringo outside trying to listen in. "Hey, Peeping Toms, nothing happened, Elizabeth and I only discussed some things." He smirked back at me before I got off the shelf and walked out with him. "Well Sadie left with John. But John seemed fine he wasn't trying anything." George explained, "Quite boring actually." Ringo added. I turned to Paul nervously, he nodded, "Go to the parking lot and check if they're still there. If they are go with them." Paul instructed George. He groaned but obeyed.

Ringo looked at the both of us and smirked, "So nothing happened?" Paul chuckled and tussled the older man's hair, "Sod off, will ya?"

Usually it's not formal to do those types of actions in public places, but people have to find the medium to stay together... right?

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