Chapter 13: downfall

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Ruby, Yang, and Jotaro charged into battle with Emerald, and surprisingly, Mercury got back into the fight having a serious beatdown from Jotaro. Mercury kicked Ruby's scythe out of her hands.

"Uh-oh, what're you gonna do now?" Mercury smirked, swinging for Ruby, who ducked and head-butted Mercury in the face, just like Ozpin did to her.

"Whatever it takes to shut you up" Ruby smiled, getting Crescent Rose back.

"You guys doing okay?" Nora asked.

"Yeah" Jaune answered. "I think he's coming too. I just wish this would go a lot faster"

"How about you don't complain and just be thankful you unlocked your semblance when you did" Nora suggested.

"My semblance?" Jaune gasped.

"How else do you think you're healing him, dummy?" Nora asked. Jaune and Weiss then saw that the white aura was soon turning to crimson, Paikris' aura colour.

"No, aura heals our bodies" Weiss corrected. "Jaune's... amplifying it"

"I feel like... I'm using mine to amplify his" Jaune explained.

"But... aren't you worried about running out?" Nora worriedly asked.

"Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it" Jaune reminded, smiling at the memory. "I still believe her"

"Ugh... guys?" Paikris breathed, opening his eyes slightly.

"Paikris!" Weiss smiled, happy to know that the wolf Faunus was back. Hazel and Ren were having a quick duel, until Hazel punched Ren into a wall and sent a bolt of lightning his way. Amity quickly absorbed the lost with his semblance.

"Nora! We need help!" Ren shouted.

"Go! We've got him!" Jaune ordered, making Nora quickly jump into action.

"Guys?" Paikris panted. "Wh-what happened"

"You took a silver bullet near on of your vital organs, you need to stay here while Jaune helps you" Weiss informed.

"Out of all the people here, it's you that gets me back up" Paikris joked.

"Hey! Come on!" Jaune laughed. "It's good to have you back, Paikris"

Qrow was launched into a wall as Hazel kept on fighting Ozpin. Lionheart managed to distract him, allowing Hazel to get a hit off.

"Hiding behind the face of a child? A monster like you must be stopped!" Hazel shouted. Nora then yelled loudly as she tried to hit Hazel with her hammer, but she was flung away and Hazel held her down with one hand, electrocuting her. "How many more children must die for you?!"

The electricity soon got to Nora, making her stand up and throw Hazel across the room. Nora then picked up her hammer again.

"His semblance..." Ozpin started. "He can block out pain. It's how he's able to handle injecting so much Dust into his body"

Hazel then got up and growled at Nora.

"I don't need him to hurt..." Nora narrowed her eyes as Hazel charged for her. "I just need him to GO DOWN!"

Nora then swiping her hammer into Hazel and knocked him out of the Academy, bursting a wall as he did. It was like Nora played baseball and she just got the ball out of the park. Adam and another Withe Fang member saw that Hazel got knocked down.

"What's going on in there?" The member asked.

"None of your concern" Hazel growled, reaching into his pockets and soon grabbing first dust from it, digging them into his arms. Hazel then roared even louder than last time as the power flew through him. Ruby saw that her friends were tired from all of the fighting, even Amity was leaning against a wall, looking as if he were dead already.

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