Chapter 4: lighting the fire

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Yang and Jotaro were driving down the muddy path in their separate vehicles. The shady man was with them as well, but he was in Jotaro's Warthog. As much as he did not like having strangers in his car, unless someone needed an escort or help, he did NOT like having the idea of the man being on Yang's bike with her.

"How much further, pal?" Yang asked.

"This should just about do it" the man informed. Yang and Jotaro stopped at a mostly open field. The man got off of the Warthog straight after stopping. "You two wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear"

"Sure, you do that" Jotaro sighed. Once the man was far away enough, Jotaro fell concerned. "Yang, I think this guy is playing with us. Trust me, I have seen enough films and books to know where this is going"

"Well, if he IS tricking us, we'll be ready" Yang took off her sunglasses, gloves and part of her coat. She soon stretched her arms right after.

"This does not feel comfortable" Penny said. "I feel as if we are being tricked"

Penny's words were soon proved true when a gunshot went for Yang, but Jotaro blocked it with Penny's hand. More people started to emerge from the trees and bushes.

"I can't believe you two were dumb enough to actually lead me here" The man grinned.

"I knew it" Jotaro huffed, steam blowing from his nose.

"Is this everyone?" Yang asked.

"Yes, little lady. This is it" The man answered. "Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way"

"That way?" Yang asked, pointing in the direction that the man was pointing.

"Yes, that way" The man replied.

"Good to know" Yang nodded. "Thanks"

"Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take those sweet rides of yours" The man threatened. "And you're going to take those lumps"

"You can try" Jotaro growled, getting the Flying Scotsman ready. Yang looked at her arms and soon got Ember Cilica ready. The gang saw that they had weapons and got ready to battle.

"You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart" The man pulled out a revolver. "But you really ought to think twice about all-"

The man was interrupted when Penny immediately transformed her hand into a mini arm cannon. Even Jotaro was surprised, but he liked it.

"Nice gun, but my Wolf Faunus friend has two, AND they're quite slicker" Jotaro smirked.

"Alright..." The man paused. "Get 'em!"

"You ready, Penny?" Jotaro asked.

"Jotaro...I'm COMBAT READY" Penny's voice was filled with determination.

"Alright, time to kick some ass!" Jotaro cheered. And they engaged combat. Yang merely walked into the fray, beating the people down like they were rubbish. Penny's arm cannon destroyed many weapons and Jotaro was really like his odds. The man tried to shoot a bullet at Yang, only for him to miss and for the gun to get jammed. Yang then launched herself at the man and then made a sneaky move, jumping over him and kicking him into another gang member. Jotaro took care of the other members and soon reverted Penny's hand back to normal. "Also, another thing, my friend NEVER misses"

"Who are you two?" The man coughed, laying on the floor. "It doesn't even matter. When Raven finds out what you did, you're dead?"

"Raven?" Jotaro repeated, but with a more confused tone. "Raven Branwen?"

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