Chapter 9: the coming storm

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Raven was sharpening her sword in side of her tent, enjoying the peace and quiet she had. However, that peace and quiet was soon stopped when she heard Vernal enter her tent.

"Raven, we have a problem" She informed.

"What is it?" Raven asked.

"Salem's found us" Vernal answered, making Raven surprised.

"Salem. Okay" Raven collected herself and stood up.

"Four of her followers are waiting to speak with you" Vernal explained.

"Right. We planned for this. Bring me my helmet" Raven ordered. Some time later, Raven stepped out of her tent with her helmet on, staring down Emerald, Mercury, Arthur, and Cinder. "I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home. Either I'm losing my memory, or you all lost your spines!"

"Don't be too upset with them, Raven" Cinder spoke. "Your men simply recognise the power of a Maiden when they see it. Which is why we'd like to have a word with you"

"Leave us. Pack your things, then break down camp. We're moving" Raven ordered her followers, and that's just what they did.

"A little late to run and hide" Arthur traces his chin with his fingers. "You've been on our master's list for some time, so you must understand that we cannot allow you to slip away"

"I know about your master, but I don't believe we've met" Raven said, walking towards to four.

"We're the guys you should be afraid of" Mercury smirked.

"I doubt anyone should be afraid of you" Raven replied.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to-"

"Quiet" Cinder ordered, silencing Mercury.

"That's what I thought" Raven sighed.

"I'm Cinder Fall. This is my associate, Arthur Watts. And my disciples, Emerald and Mercury" Cinder introduced.

"Two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself" Raven listen in the way SHE saw the four followers of Salem in front of her. "Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania. Is that about right?"

"Ahem. Uh, technically, I was also a doctor. But I must say the rest was spot-on" Arthur added.

"Aren't you perceptive?" Cinder said.

"It's what's kept me alive" Raven replied.

"I'm afraid the only reason you're still alive is because you have something our master wants. Though, if I'm wrong..." Cinder then made a ball of fire from her right hands, smirking as she did.

"Vernal!" Raven called, making Vernal come out of Raven's tent. Although they were followers of Salem, Vernal was really good at keeping a straight face.

"So, this is the long-lost Spring Maiden. Prove it" Cinder smirked. Vernal just sighed and concentrated hard, creating huge grey clouds that covered the blue sky and turned the atmosphere into a very windy one. Everyone, except Cinder, kept themselves protected from the wind as Cinder smiled at Vernal, seeing that she had found the Spring Maiden. Vernal then stopped casting the clouds and returned to her calm state.

"Vernal has done well under my guidance. I'd take that into consideration before you try anything" Raven informed.

"Raven, I won't underestimate you, so please don't insult my intelligence" Cinder replied, but soon threatened with... "There is a slim chance you and your Maiden could escape here today. But if you know our master as well as you claim to, then you know you could never truly escape her. Well... Millinike did. I'll admit, he had some real skill getting by us. But we come bearing an olive branch"

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