Chapter 1: welcome to Haven

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"The city of Mistral" Qrow said.

"Ugh, it's about time!" Nora sighed, clearly bored of how much adventure they had been on. "Who's idea was it to walk again?"

"Well, we did face many obstacles" Ren reminded. "Broken airships, destroyed settlements..."

"Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to MURDER US" Jaune made sure to add emphasis at the end of his sentence.

"I find it pretty normal nowadays" Amity joined. However, he was not looking very great. His eyes had a hint of orange on his scalars and speech was kind of jagged.

"And your sickness isn't?" Jaune asked.

"I don't want to think about it" Amity shook his head.

"Besides, only one of us nearly died" Ruby joked, referring to Qrow.

"Hey" Qrow laughed. Ren said the same thing when Nora played with him a bit.

"So, how much farther to Haven Academy?" Jaune asked.

"Almost there. Kind of figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route" Qrow smirked. He soon opened a pair of doors, letting the light shine through the tunnel that they were walking through. What they saw next was unbelievably remarkable. Ruby ran to a railing and admired the beauty before her.

"Wow" She gasped. "This. is. awesome!"

"Well, I'll be damned" Amity chuckled.

"It's certainly something" Qrow agreed.

"Look at all the weapons!" Ruby squealed.

"Vendors here will sell you just about anything, whether they should or not" Qrow informed.

"They really made the most out of these mountains" Jaune complimented.

"Every inch" Qrow specified. "And stay away from the lower levels, but the higher up you go, the nicer it gets"

"And we are going up!" Nora pointed up to make sure she was serious about what she said.

With Paikris and Weiss...

"So, how much farther?" Weiss asked. The cargo ship was still flying to Mistral after she and Paikris left Atlas by secret.

"We're on the homestretch now" The pilot answered. "No more stops from here to Mistral. Sorry for the long trip. Keeping us off the radar's been harder than I thought. Lots of air traffic up in Northern Anima"

"It's fine. I...just hope I haven't been a burden" Weiss replied.

"Weiss, I'm pretty damn sure that you have NOT been a burden since we got on this ship" Paikris reassured.

"You should listen to your Faunus friend. You, him, and your money are more than welcome on this ship" The pilot agreed. The radio then started to act up with static noises. "What the?"

The pilot adjusted the frequency to make out the message.

"Is...everything okay?" Weiss asked.

"I'm not sure, we're still over Lake Matsu. Shouldn't be picking up broadcast this far from Mistral" the pilot informed. "Someone must be out here"

"Mayday! Mayday! We are a small passenger flight, and our huntress is down! We aren't equipped to deal with this!"

The sudden voice from the radio caught everybody by surprise.

"Oh man" the pilot sighed.

"The Grimm hit is four-hundred klicks north of the southern shoreline!"

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