Chapter 12: vault of the spring maiden

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"PAIKRIS!!" Weiss screamed for her life as Cinder looked down the two of them and smirked. Jaune then grabbed his sword and made his way over to them. Oscar saw everything that was happening as everyone stood in horror. Ruby was knocked out, Paikris was close to dying, they were losing. Oscar then got extremely angry and whacked Lionheart with his cane, sending the lion Faunus rolling down the stairs and bumping into Hazel.

"Red, come on" Amity wheezed. "We need you"

"Get up, Ruby!" Oscar pleaded.

Hazel then picked up Lionheart by his collar.

"You're letting that boy make a fool of you" Hazel frowned.

"That's not just a boy. It's Ozpin" Lionheart informed, making Hazel's eye's widen. "He's already reincarnated"

Hazel dropped Lionheart and looked over at Oscar, seeing the familiar cane of an individual that he hated.

"Ozpin?" Hazel repeated. Just thinking of the name made Hazel more angry by the second. He teeth were showing, his growling was getting louder. And it was all because of Ozpin. Ruby then started to stir as she woke up slightly.

"Red" Amity whispered.

"Ruby, you-"

"OZPIN!" Hazel interrupted as his voice could be heard from a mile away.

'Oh no' Ozpin gasped, seeing that Hazel had figured it out.

"You thought that you could hide from me?!" Hazel asked, ripping his coat off in a hastily manner and digging into his trouser pockets, taking what appeared to be Dust. "You'll pay for what you did, you'll die over and over again!"

Hazel then dug the Dust crystals into his body, making his veins light up making himself look like a lightbulb. A very dangerous lightbulb. Hazel then breathed for a few seconds before roaring loudly. His hair was all over the place and his eyes were lit up.

"Do... do we fight?" Oscar asked.

'No, run!' Ozpin answered. Hazel lunged for Oscar, who was saved by Qrow. Qrow then turned his sword into its scythe form.

"Ozpin is here?!" Cinder gasped.

"Is that a problem?" Raven asked.

"I'm not sure, but right now we've got the upper hand. Let's not waste it" Cinder glared. "Leo! Open the path to the vault!"

Lionheart then ran to the statue that was in the middle of the room and put his pocket watch in the slot, making the hands turn around rapidly and soon enough, the statue was being lowered. Yang saw what was going on around her, same as Jotaro.

"Stop them! We've got your teams covered!" Nora ordered. Jotaro and Yang nodded, but were soon stopped by Emerald and Mercury.

"You want to get to them" Emerald started. "You're going to have to get through all of us"

Emerald then used her semblance to make clones of Mercury.

"Of, come on, really?!" Jotaro groaned.

"I remember you!" Penny shouted.

"It's that robot from the tournament!" Emerald informed.

"She's still with you!?" Mercury asked.

"You better believe it, you bastard" Jotaro sighed.

"Ren, talk to me!" Jaune said.

"This is bad" Ren replied.

"Paikris, please... stay with us. Stay with me" Weiss cried.

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