26| July 10th, 2010

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Happy One Year Anniversary to Isabella!!!

Isabella's POV

Chase was all smiles and kisses as though we didn't have an argument just before I came back to Nigeria. It all still seemed like a dream to me. Chase was here. My dad was here. And why won't Joshua stop calling me?

"If the call is not urgent, please turn your phone off" my dad commanded before earning a death glare from me. He had no right to tell me what to do. He wasn't my father.

"Yes, Richard" I said, intentionally calling my dad by his name.

"Isabella!" my mom gave me a warning look from across the room.

"Can we get back to what we were discussing?" Tayo asked.

"Who's Joshua?" Chase whispered to me while taking a strong grip of my hand. He must've seen the caller ID on my phone.

"Nobody important" I replied

"So, Chase," Richard cleared his throat, "you said you're seeking my daughter's hand in marriage?"

"Pardon me?" I heard myself say.

"Yes sir" Chase said clearly ignoring me entirely.

Richard was about to say something when Katerina walked into the living room and stopped in her tracks immediately, clearly surprised.

Trina greeted everybody after she'd unfrozen and immediately going upstairs without sparing me a glance. Could she possibly be angry just because I walked out on our mother?

I brought my attention back only to hear Richard saying "...Of course you know there are some marriage rites you'd have to perform-"

"Hold on, what are you saying?" I cut him off, "you didn't even ask me if I wanted to get married"

"You're already engaged to him aren't you?" Richard asked

"And who said I wanted to get married now? What at exactly are you doing here Richard?!" I snapped, "So you hear I'm engaged and you suddenly appear out of nowhere to collect my bride price right?"


"Let me finish mom," I put up my hand to shush her, "This man..." I pointed at my dad, "is not and has never been my father,"

"Isabella!" Richard shouted before standing up, "I will not stand here and watch you insult me because whether you like it or not, I am still your father!"

"Well, news flash Richard, I'm not related to you. You're not my biological father so you can go to hell!" I spat out with so much hatred and anger.

"Bella, take it easy... " Tayo said

"Don't tell me to take anything easy!" I hollered, "This man is not my father. A father does not abandon his child even if he is divorced!"

Tears were already flowing for the second time that day, "Where was he when I was raped? Where was he when I left Lagos? Where was he when I was nearly killed in prison? Where was he when I was fighting for my life in the hospital? Where was he when I had to face the man that raped me in court? Where was he when I found out he wasn't my biological father? Where was he when I decided to go to the US because I was nearly going crazy?" he wiped the tears, "This man is not my father and he certainly won't be the one to walk me down the aisle, ever!"

I ran up to my room and slammed the door behind me. I tried not to cry but I was failing. I wiped the tears from my cheeks because Richard didn't deserve my tears.

Isabella Where stories live. Discover now