22| Shock

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Dedicated to Rita_writes

Isabella's POV
Lagos, Nigeria.

"you came," he said as soon as I entered his office. He smiled like he had won a lottery.

"I don't plan on spending much time here Mr. Stevens," I said in a rather rude manner before taking my seat.

"Are you still angry with me?" he asked with shock registered on his face. What did he expect? Of course I was angry with him. "after seven years?"

"I came here to tell you that I'm not doing the movie," I ignored his question and he looked frustrated already with the conversation. "So you thought you could trick me into coming back to Nigeria right? Well, I'm not here for you okay, I just had some family issues to sort out,"

"Whareva," he looked disappointed but I cared less. I was about to leave when he said, "Oh, before you go Isabella, there's something you must know," this time he was smirking "I might or might not have cancelled your upcoming movie"

"What are you talking about?"

"All I needed to do was write a huge check to the movie producer and he cancelled the movie," he said with a devilish smirk on his face. I felt like grabbing Josh's throat and squeezing the life out of him.
He was the cause of the cancellation of a million dollar movie!

"You are a -" the door flung open that instant revealing a familiar face.

"Darling, what's going on?" the young lady who had entered the room said. I immediately recognized her. She was the one I met at the airport. Samantha or whatever her name was. "Isabella, what are you doing here?"

"You know each other?" Josh asked

"we met at the airport" Amanda said.

"Oh," was all Josh said

"Nice to see you again," said Amanda with the most fake plastic smile. She knew about I and Josh's past together and now, she thought she could make me jealous. Well jokes on her 'cause I have a fiance.

"Yeah, I'm going" I stood holding my purse, adjusted my dress and walked towards the door.

"Oh and one more thing, Katerina invited us over for new year. She said you're having a small gathering," Josh smiled "we will be there,"

I walked out and slammed the door. I was fuming with rage and anger and jealousy.


He had the nerves... Why did he decide to punish me like this? As if what his dad had done to me wasn't enough.

I got home to find Katerina smiling like a crazy clown. She was obviously happy about something but I wasn't in the mood.

"What is wrong with you Trina?" I shouted as soon as I got into the house

"What did I do now?" she asked innocently

"Why did you tell me all those lies? Huh?" I scolded, "you said my mom was very sick and you said she was divorcing your dad and that the company was in trouble but none of it is true,"


"I'm not done," I shushed her, "I left everything behind, my fiance, my career; I put everything on hold only to come home to this useless charade you're playing. How do you think I feel Huh?"

"I'm truly sorry but I have my reasons," she said

"well, I'd love to hear them," I folded my arms and waited for her to start talking.

"you'll find out later why I tricked you into coming back. It's for your own good,"

"you're unbelievable," I went up to my room ready to talk to no one..

January 1st.

"Oh look at my godson, he's so big!" Trump hugged me tightly. He didn't look as big in our video calls.

"Bella, I've missed you!" Sandra squealed hugging me just as tight as her son, "you look like a model,"

"Thank you. You're not looking bad yourself," I said after she'd released me. "It's good to be back,"

The door bell rang and Trina went to get the door. It was Tayo. Trump immediately ran over to him for a hug. Tayo placed Trump on his shoulders as they came closer to where we were seated.

"This boy is really heavy," said Tayo finally putting him down while Sandra chuckled.

"Tayo, it's so good to see you," we shared a brief hug.

"Wow, Hollywood is really taking care of you huh?" he complemented, "you're looking fine oo" he said as he checked me out.

I was blushing.

I just laughed and asked, "How are you doing?"

"I'm great, sorry I didn't call since I heard you came back-"

"No, I should've been the one to call but I guess we've both been busy," I said sincerely.

The door bell rang again and since mom and Trina were busy in the kitchen, I went to get the door.

I swung the door open only to be blessed with the irritating smiles of Josh and the female dog he called his fiancee.

I slammed the door in their face and walked back into the sitting room.

"Who was that?" Trina asked walking to the door.

"No one important," I said before she opened the door and welcomed them in.


We were all seated at the dinning table while the maids brought out the different dishes.

The door bell rang again and I couldn't help but ask Trina, "Did you invite the whole Lagos State or what?" everyone burst into laughter while Katerina headed towards the door.

She walked in with someone following her. I was shocked when I saw his face.


And his back!
Daniel is back!
And I'm back too!
I just realized I haven't updated since January! I'm truly sorry. Pardon me!

What do you think about the new cover?
I love it! Thanks to Mr_Antagonist check out his graphics shop!

If you really want to read my work, then read Before Sixteen. I update it every week!

Lest I forget, Isabella will be ending at chapter Thirty with an epilogue. So start counting down cause the finale won't be happily ever after 😢

Anyways, see y'all later 👋

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