21| Mr. Movie Producer

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Dedicated to PrincessAnnie900

Isabella's POV

"Are you still angry with us?" Katerina asked while I searched for a nice DStv channel to watch. And yes, I was really angry with my twin and I wasn't ready to talk to her. "you're not going to say anything?"

"She's still not saying anything?" my mom said, walking elegantly into the sitting room.

"I have nothing to say to the both of you," I had finally found a suitable channel that was airing an interview with Aaron Peirce, my co-star in All Shades Of My Heart. I was so focused on the show that I didn't notice when Katerina had picked up the TV remote and turned off the TV, "Hey!, I was watching that. It's important,"

"Now do I have your attention?" I reluctantly turned to face Katerina. "Good,"

"Why did you lie to me?" I turned to my mom standing not far from me.

"I haven't seen you in seven years—" mom was saying before I cut her off.

"And you asked Katerina to tell me that you were dying so I could come back?"

"I never said she was dying," Katerina corrected, "I said she was ill"

"Well you made it sound like she was on her death bed," I said

"Well, it's not healthy to stay away from home for seven years. I mean I've missed you" mom sat next to me and held my hand, "So what's going on with you?"

"Well, I'm still engaged to Chase, my movie got cancelled and... that's it," I said

"Isabella, tell me something I can't find on your instagram page or on TV," said mom.

"Yeah," Katerina agreed "You Hollywood stars post everything on instagram,"

"Well, did my instagram page tell you I was offered a movie contract in Nollywood?"

"Nollywood as in Nigeria?" Katerina asked and I rolled my eyes at her silly question but I nodded my head in response.

"That would be really nice," mom said. What did she know about show business?

"Yeah, I'm not doing it,"

"Why not?" asked Katerina.

I chuckled softly before saying, "Because, they want to do a story of my life. I mean, they want me to tell my real life story. And besides I belong to Hollywood,"

"Yeah, but you're a Nigerian," mom said.

"So? Okay, maybe I would've considered it if I wasn't the theme of the story line," I said with sincerity.

"Whatever, it's your choice," Katerina said.


Sandra's POV
Abuja, Nigeria

There's nothing like a sound, refreshing sleep. I was enjoying my afternoon siesta when Trump interrupted it.

"Mommy, mommy" he tapped me on the shoulder.

"What?" I groaned.

"Aunt Bella is on the phone," he shoved the phone on my face and I took it from him while sitting up.

"Sandra, how can you possibly be sleeping by this time of the day?" I smiled on hearing Bella's voice. Typical Isabella.

"I'm fine Bella, thanks for asking," I said sarcastically. I heard Bella sigh and I chuckled, "And I thought it should be night time in LA, how did you know it's afternoon here?"

"I'm in Nigeria dummy,"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'm in Lagos"

"Wow, then it looks like we're spending new year in Lagos," I said loud enough for Trump to hear.

"Yayy!" Trump shouted in excitement.

"Is that Trump?, give the phone to my godson," I handed the phone to trump and they spent five minutes talking.

When Trump had finally given me the phone, Bella and I said our goodbyes and she cut the call.

"Mummy, will dad be in Lagos?" Trump asked. He always requested to see Daniel even when he (Daniel) used to visit him every week. But recently, I couldn't get my hands on him. I hadn't seen him for five months and it was as though he'd vanished without any trace.

"Sweetheart, I don't know but hopefully, he will," although I knew that Dan wouldn't be in Lagos or possibly, Nigeria, I gave Trump and assured smile and he hugged me.

We were still cuddling silently until he said, "I'm hungry,"

Katerina's POV
Ikeja Shopping Mall, Lagos, Nigeria.

I was roaming through the food section looking for cheese 'cause Isabella had requested for them when my eye caught something or someone. I immediately looked away and hoped he wouldn't see me.

"Katerina," he called out coming closer to where I stood probably to make sure it was me.

"Tayo, long time," I smiled awkwardly. We shared a brief hug and I realized he was much more muscular than the last time I'd seen him.

"How have you been?" he asked with a broad smile.

"I've been good. I thought you were in Cameron?"

"Yeah, I returned a few weeks ago. I'm done with my work there," he was an architect and he had his own architectural firm. He usually traveled a lot.

"Welcome back,"

"It's good to be back," said Tayo. Silence took over as we looked at each other for awhile,

"You should come over on new year's day, Isabella returned from the US and Sandra and Trump are going to be there," I said

"Oh, so she finally came back after seven years," Tayo said "I'll surely be there, it's been awhile since I saw Sandy and my godson"

"We'll be expecting you then," I smiled sheepishly at the handsome lad.

Isabella's POV

"Hello, who's this?" I asked after I'd picked the call. It was an unknown number.

"I'm the movie producer, the movie your manager told you about," a male voice said. The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't remember whom it belonged to.

"Yeah Harry told me about it" I said, "Sorry, do I know you? You sound familiar,"

"Yes you know me," he said "It's Joshua. Joshua Stevens,"

I can't wait for the next chapter 'cause things are getting interesting.

What do you think happened to Daniel?

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