Chapter 20

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It was finally time for the drama to air. We finished recording the entire season, but the episodes were coming out once a week on the channel. It was also being put on a couple of streaming app, including Netflix. The show was a big deal. There was a watch party the cast had to go to. A lot of big names were going to be there and it was supposed to be a formal event held at the broadcasting station. I sat in the stylist's seat as she expertly applied my makeup. I was already dressed in a floor-length black sequined dress. It hugged my curves like a second skin. The neckline was a simple soft v-shape with thick straps. My hair was pulled to one side and curled into large ringlets.

"All done," the stylist informed me. I thanked her with a soft smile before I stood and went to where Ji Soo was waiting for me. She led me to the tent where everyone was waiting to walk the carpet. My eyes widened when I saw the Bangtan Boys.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked to them.

"Surprise!" JungKook said in English. I was really happy to see them.

"Laine, we got our schedule moved around so we could come to the watch party to support you," V said. I wanted to hug all of them, but I was scared to mess up the stylist's hard work.

"I'm your escort on the carpet," Suga said as he stepped forward. Namjoon nodded his approval at me. I could feel my eyes watering. I quickly fanned my face to try and get rid of the coming tears.

"Don't cry, Laine," Jin chuckled. I laughed along with him before we were instructed to wait by the opening. Kim Bo Ra's nasty looks to me didn't go unnoticed, but I was too happy to care. Suga held his elbow towards me and I slipped my hand into the offered space. Bo Ra and Myung Soo went first, then it was my turn. I let Yoongi lead me on to the carpeted walkway and to the set of cameras. We posed together for a moment before going inside. The guys came out right behind us. We waited for them to join us inside. When they did, Namjoon took Yoongi's position by my side.

"We'll be swapping out all night," Namjoon whispered to me. I nodded discreetly. It made sense. Having seven guys around me was the best smoke screen for my relationship with Namjoon. We sat together in the viewing hall and waited for everyone else to filter in before it finally started.

Seeing myself on the screen was unreal. I looked like I belonged there with everyone. I really believed I was Eun Ji. The set up, the acting... watching it made me feel like I was staring into another world. It made me happy. Namjoon squeezes my hand lightly. We were hidden enough that no one could see we were holding hands. Suddenly, I got that feeling. I felt like I was doing something good. I felt proud of my work. This was the feeling Namjoon was talking about.

After the two episodes ended, everyone clapped. Jin was by my side as we left the viewing area to go to the cocktail party. People congratulated me and continued to tell me that I did a good job. I felt appreciated. Keeping my mouth shut concerning Bo Ra felt worth it ten times over. After a while, Jimin took over as my escort. We probably looked silly walking around in a large group, but I didn't care. I felt fearless with the guys by my side.

"It's like she can't just choose one," Bo Ra said as she eyed me when we passed her. I was fine with her comment. She was jealous, but that wasn't going to make me lose control of myself. I looked to Namjoon quickly to see that Yoongi already had a hand on his arm and stepped in front of him. To my surprise, Suga was the one who walked up to face Bo Ra head on.

"Is your jealousy that intense, Kim Bo Ra? We're her friends, and we support her. Of course we are all here for Le In. Maybe if you were less concerned about other people and worried more about yourself, you wouldn't have to knock others down to get recognized. Maybe if you spent less time talking behind people's back, and spent more time greeting your seniors... we would've helped you too," Suga said coolly. The whole time, he didn't raise his voice or get angry. He just stood there with his hands in the pockets of his suit pants. If anyone watched from afar, they would think the two were just having a civil conversation. He smirked at her briefly before he came back to our little group. Kim Bo Ra's red face showed through her makeup. Yoongi has completely embarrassed her in the coolest way. His level of swag was off the charts.

We moved around the party, talking with people and switching escorts. A few people commented on the loyalty of the guys, while others found it necessary to tell me how cool I was. I didn't care about any of it. This wasn't my moment. My moment was on the screen. When the party finally ended, I stopped by the company to follow up with the producer. He was over the moon about the drama. The meeting ended with me getting two commercials and another script to review.

After changing out of my fancy dress and into something more comfortable in my room, I grabbed my keys and headed to the Bangtan Boys' mansion. They made me promise to come for an after party. I parked the car on the side of the house before punching in the code for the lock and walking inside. When I reached the living room, mini confetti poppers were set off as the guys looked to me excitedly.

"Congratulations on your debut!" They yelled together. I smiled as I looked at the guys. They were really the sweetest guys ever. In the center of the living room table was a cake with a single candle lit.

"Noona, say hi to the fans and then make a wish," JungKook said with his phone pointed at me. I gave him a look before I laughed it off. JungKook and his videos...

"Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all your support. 'Nameless Heir' officially airs tomorrow. I hope you watch it all the way through to the end and enjoy the drama," I said to the camera with a small bow.

"Make you wish and blow out the candles, dongsaeng," Jin said with a wide smile. I looked around me and smiled at them.

I wish everything could stay just like this.

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